AppUtility is collection of useful code snippets that we need in almost every project like getting UIColor from hex code, checking internet connectivity, etc. extensions of Standard struct and classes and subclass of standard classes like UIImageView,String,etc.
What I found is that several time we have to repeat same steps in every project sometime even in same project and at the end increase development time. So why not we can reduce boilerplate code and make develement little easier by keeping most used methods and some common features that we expect from standard classes. These common methods we need in almost every project like converting color hex to RGB, String height, Image zoom, Internet connection check, etc.
Some code snippets are taken from Stackoverflow, Github and some are added by me.
Just drag the folder "AppUtility" with the source files into your project.
//Display alert view
let alertView = AUAlertView(title: "Alert title", message: "Message")
let cancelButton = AUAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel) { (action) in
print("Clicked on cancel button")
let okButton = AUAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .default) { (action) in
print("Clicked on OK button")
//Give option to select different background.
public var backgroundType:AUBackgroundOptions = .gray
Enum to describe AlertView background.
public enum AUBackgroundOptions {
case blurEffectExtraLight
case blurEffectLight
case blurEffectDark
case dark
case gray
case none
//Animation to show alert.
public var alertViewAnimationType:AUAlertAnimationType = .snapBehaviour
Enum for Alertview presenting animation
public enum AUAlertAnimationType {
case snapBehaviour
case popUp
public var dismissOnBackgroundTouch:Bool = true
public var isPanGestureEnabled = true
public var shouldDismissAlertViewByFlick = true
AUAlertView.showAlertView("Alert title", message: "Message", cancelButtonTitle: "OK")
Black background | Blured Background |
![]() |
![]() |
//AUImageView is subclass of UIImageView. Use this class to enable zoom in image view.
let imageview = AUImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 20, y: 350, width: self.view.frame.size.width - 40, height: 200))
//To enable zoom
imageview.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
imageview.enableImageZoom = true
//UIImageView extension to get image with loading indicator.
imageview.imageWithURL("", withLoadingIndictor: true) { (status) in
//Check status whether it succeeded to get image or not. `status` will be `true` when succeed to get image and `false` when it fails to get image.
public var maximumZoomScale:CGFloat = 10.0
public var minimumZoomScale:CGFloat = -1
public var zoomScale:CGFloat = 1.0
public var blurZoomBackground:Bool = false
public var enableImageZoom = false
//Using direct RGB value no need to divide every time with 255.0
UIColor.init(redValue: 199, greenValue: 165, blueValue: 247)
//Getting color with hex value, default alpha value is 1.0
UIColor.init(hex: 0xffffff)
//Getting color with hex and alpha value
UIColor.init(hex:0xff0000, alpha:0.8)
//Getting color with hex string
//Hex with alpha
UIColor.init(hexCode: "#ff0000ff")
//Hex with no alpha (alpha will be 1.0)
UIColor.init(hexCode: "#ff0000")
//Hex string in short form
UIColor.init(hexCode: "#f00")
//Getting no. of years between two dates
let noOfYear = NSDate().yearsFrom(NSDate.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 3000000000))
//Getting no. of months between two dates
let noOfMonths = NSDate().monthsFrom(NSDate.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 3000000000))
//Getting no. of weeks between two dates
let noOfWeeks = NSDate().weeksFrom(NSDate.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 3000000000))
//Getting no. of days between two dates
let noOfDays = NSDate().daysFrom(NSDate.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 3000000000))
//Getting no. of hours between two dates
let noOfHours = NSDate().hoursFrom(NSDate.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 3000000000))
//Getting no. of minutes between two dates
let noOfMin = NSDate().minutesFrom(NSDate.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 3000000000))
//Getting no. of seconds between two dates
let noOfSec = NSDate().secondsFrom(NSDate.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 3000000000))
//Getting no. of time between two dates e.g- 2s ago, 1M ago, etc.
let dateOffsets = NSDate().offsetFrom(NSDate.init(timeIntervalSince1970: 3000000000))
//Create a image of specified color and size
let image = UIImage.imageWithColor(UIColor.redColor(), size: CGSizeMake(100, 100))
//Create horizontal gradient color image
let image = UIImage.imageWithGradient([UIColor.redColor().CGColor,UIColor.yellowColor().CGColor], size: CGSizeMake(560, 400))
//Create vertical gradient color image
let image = UIImage.imageWithGradient([UIColor.redColor().CGColor,UIColor.yellowColor().CGColor], size: CGSizeMake(560, 400), verticalGradient: true)
//Resizing image while maintaing aspect ratio
let resizedImage:UIImage = image?.resizeImage(CGSizeMake(200, 200))
//Compress image size(compression should be between 0.0 - 1.0)
let compressedImage:UIImage = image?.compressImage(0.5)
//Fix for rotating image when using imagePicker
let fixImage:UIImage = image?.fixOrientation()
// This method will dispatch the `block` to self.
// If `self` is the main queue, and current thread is main thread, the block will be invoked immediately instead of being dispatched.
DispatchQueue.main.safeAsync {
//Label with edge insets
let auLabel = AULabel.init(frame:CGRect(x: 20, y: 40, width: 50, height: 30))
//EdgeInsets to Label
auLabel.edgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 5, left: 5, bottom: 5, right: 5)
auLabel.text = "hello"
Easy way to check internet connection.
if AUReachability.sharedInstance.isNetworkReachable() {
AUAlertView.showAlertView(nil, message: "Connected", cancelButtonTitle: "Cancel")
else {
AUAlertView.showAlertView(nil, message: "Not Connected", cancelButtonTitle: "Cancel")
Feel free to add code which you think is necessary in almost every project.
- Stackoverflow
- Github Gist
- Other websites
AppUtility is available under the MIT License.