Some hbase utils which could be useful, written in Scala
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Given a set of Ids (rowkeys) to be removed from a table, in an HDFS files,
There are three options being added for now.
Option 1 Delete the given set of Ids using a client job. This could be useful for a minimal number of Ids (not for bulk). I could not delete more than 10000 in a single run as the regions timed out quickly. (A healthy cluster could do more)
Option 2 Spawn a mapreduce job (Map Only) and do parrallel RPC calls (for Delete) from different mappers. This was another experiment, but same result as Option 1.
Option 3 Generate HFiles (with Delete marker) and do a bulk load. This solution worked for my case as I had around 10 million ids to be deleted. The job gets completed quickly (in 3-5 minutes) compared to previous options, but the table was not responding to a scan/get for a longer time after this job. It is advisable to perform this in batches (In my case I finally ended up in multiple batches to finish it - say 1 million in a batch)