Use cases for managing vCenter/ESXi Server, Virtual Machines and more
Note: The use of the scripts requires the PowerShell Module VMware.PowerCLI.
- Get/set a cluster
- Add/move/remove a cluster
- Get/set a datacenter
- Add/move/remove a datacenter
- Get/set a datastore
- Add/remove a datastore
- Get/set a hard disk
- Add/copy/move/remove a hard disk
- Add/get/set a SCSI controller
- Add, get, set, copy, move, remove VDisk
- Get/set a floppy drive
- Add/remove a floppy drive
- Get/set a CD drive
- Add/remove a CD drive
- Get/remove a USB device
- Get/set a folder
- Add/move/remove a folder
- Get/set a host
- Add/move/remove a host
- Get/set a host user account
- Add/remove a host user account
- Get/set a host firewall default policy
- Get/set a host firewall exception
- Get/set hosts firmware settings
- Get/set hosts Sphere logs, log types
- Get/set hosts firmware settings
- Get/set a host network adapter
- Add/remove a host network adapter
- Start/suspend/restart/stop a host
- Get/set a host profile
- Get/set start policy
- Export/import a host profile
- Add/invoke/remove a host profile
- Test host profile compliance
- Invoke a command
- Get hardware informations
- Get/set host storages
- Get/start/stop/restart host services
- Get/format host disk partitions
- Get/set host diagnostic partition
- Get host disks
- Get PCI devices
- Get/add routes from the routing table
- Get, install host patches
- Get/set a virtual network adapter
- Add/remove a virtual network adapter
- Get virtual port groups
- Get distributed switches
- Copy, get, sync patches
- Get/set a PowerCLI configuration
- Get a PowerCLI version
- Get/set a resource pool
- Add/remove a resource pool
- New, get, set, copy, remove OS customization specifications
- Get history tasks
- Get/Stop a task
- Create a new virtual machine template
- Convert/clone/register/remove a virtual machine template
- Get/set a virtual machine template
- Get, set, new, remove tag category
- Get, set, new, remove tag
- Get, new, remove tag assignment
- Get/set a virtual switch
- Add/remove a virtual switch
- Get/set a virtual machine
- Add/move/clone/create from template/remove a virtual machine
- Start/suspend/restart/stop a virtual machine
- New/remove/get/set snap shot
- Restore a virtual machine
- Register a virtual machine
- New/clone/create from template/register a virtual machine on a cluster
- Get/set start policy
- Install/update/mount/dismount tools
- Get guest system
- Start/suspend/restart/stop a guest system
- Run a script in the guest OS of a virtual machine
- Get/set resource configuration
- Get available time zones, counters, topologies
- Get inventory items
- Get server properties
- Get statistical informations
- Exposes the ESXCLI functionality
- Report all available patches
- Report all host patches
- Search host IDs or names
- Search resource pool IDs or names
- Search virtual switches IDs or names
- Search virtual machine IDs or names
- Search disk IDs, paths or names
- Search VDisks
- Search running or queued tasks
- Search available folders
- Search available network adapters
- Search available host accounts
- Search available host network adapters
- Search available datastore IDs or names
- Search available datacenter IDs or names
- Search snap shot IDs or names
- Search available port groups
- Search available guest system IDs
- Search the names of then time zones available on the specified host
- Search the names of the SCSI controllers
- Search information about a host services