Note: The use of the scripts requires the PowerShell VMware.PowerCLI
Creates a new virtual machine from a linked clone
Dismounts the VMware Tools installer CD
Retrieves the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine
Retrieves the virtual machine snapshot
Retrieves the virtual machines on a vCenter Server system
Retrieves the start policy of the virtual machine on a vCenter Server system
Retrieves information about the resource allocation between the selected virtual machine
Install VMtools on the virtual machine
Invokes a command for the specified virtual machine guest OS. The acceptable commands are: Stop, Suspend, Restart
Invokes a command for the specified virtual machine.
The acceptable commands are: Start, Stop, Suspend, Restart -
Runs a script in the guest OS of the specified virtual machine
Mounts the VMware Tools CD installer as a CD-ROM on the guest operating system
Move the virtual machine to another location
Creates a new snapshot of a virtual machine
Creates a new virtual machine
Creates a new virtual machine with use a the virtual machine template
Register a new virtual machine
Removes the specified virtual machine snapshot
Removes the specified virtual machine from the vCenter Server system
Revert the VM virtual machine to the specified snapshot
Modifies the specified virtual machine snapshot
Modifies the configuration of the virtual machine
Modifies the virtual machine start policy
Configures resource allocation between the virtual machine
Upgrades VMware Tools on the specified virtual machine guest OS