The Canonize API is constructed so that users of the Canonize application can have their own secure account. In this secure account, users can access, create, edit, and delete characters uniquely assigned to them in a PosgtreSQL database.
Returns JSON data for a successfully registered user.
URL: /api/users
DATA PARAMS: full_name, user_name, password
EXAMPLE REQUEST BODY: { "full_name": "Canonizer Test", "user_name": "canonize_test", "password": "Whatever!123" }
SUCCESS RESPONSE: 201 status { "id": "14", "full_name": "Canonizer Test", "user_name": "canonize_test", "date_created": "2020-03-01T18:06:34.401Z" }
ERROR RESPONSE: 400 status { error: 'Missing {full_name, user_name, password} in request body'}
400 status { error: 'Username already taken'}
400 status { error: 'Password must be longer than 8 characters'|| 'Password must be less than 72 characters' || 'Password must not start or end with empty spaces' || 'Password must contain 1 upper case, lower case, number and special character'}
Returns JWT auth token for a successfully logged in user.
URL: /api/auth/login
DATA PARAMS: user_name, password
EXAMPLE REQUEST BODY: { "user_name": "canonize_test", "password": "Whatever!123" }
SUCCESS RESPONSE: 200 status { "authToken": "authtokenbasedonpasswordandJWTsecret" }
ERROR RESPONSE: 400 status { error: 'Incorrect username or password' }
GET POST DELETE PATCH for an individual user's character data
Node, Express, PostgreSQL
Link to live client: (
Link to client repo: (