Preview version of OTClientV8, version v1.0 with tutorials will be released soon. It's based on and it's not backward compatible.
OTClientV8 discord channel: (new, working link!)
- Rewritten and optimized rendering (60 fps on 11 years old computer)
- Better DirectX9 and DirectX11 support
- Adaptive rendering (automated graphics optimizations)
- Rewritten light rendering
- Rewritten path finding and auto walking
- Rewritten walking system
- HTTP lua API with JSON support
- Auto updater
- New filesystem
- File encryption and compression
- Automatic diagnostic system
- Refreshed interface
- New crash and error handler
- New HTTP login protocol
- Ingame shop and news
- Updated hotkey manager
- Updated and optimized battle list
- Crosshair, floor fading, extra health/mana bars and panels
- Removed a lot of useless and outdated things
- Support for proxies to lower latency and protect against DDoS (extra paid option)
There's github repo of tfs 1.3 with otclientv8 features:
You can check last active players on:
The difference between paid version and this one is that the 1st one comes with c++ sources and has professional support. You may need c++ source if you want to add some more advanced modifications, better encryption, bot protection or some other things. The free version doesn't offer technical support, you need to follow tutorials and in case of any bug or problem you should submit an issue on github. Check if you want more about paid version and other extra services.
Open init.lua
and edit:
APP_NAME = "otclientv8" -- important, change it, it's name for config dir and files in appdata
APP_VERSION = 1337 -- client version for updater and login to indentify outdated client
-- If you don't use updater or other service, set it to updater = ""
Services = {
website = "", -- currently not used
updater = "",
news = "",
stats = "",
crash = "",
feedback = ""
-- Servers accept http login url or ip:port:version
Servers = {
OTClientV8 = "",
OTClientV8proxy = "",
OTClientV8classic = "",
OTClientV8cwithfeatures = "",
ALLOW_CUSTOM_SERVERS = true -- if true it will show option ANOTHER on server list
Also remember to add your sprite and data file to data/things
That's it, you're ready to use OTClientV8.
DirectX version requires 3 dlls: libEGL.dll libGLESv2.dll d3dcompiler_46.dll
If it can't start (missing dlls) then user need to install visual studio 2019 redistributable x86: