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@maoueh maoueh released this 10 Jan 20:51
· 725 commits to develop since this release


  • Updated to Substreams v0.1.0, please refer to release page for further info about Substreams changes.

    Warning The state output format for map and store modules has changed internally to be more compact in Protobuf format. When deploying this new version and using Substreams feature, previous existing state files should be deleted or deployment updated to point to a new store location. The state output store is defined by the flag --substreams-state-store-url flag.


  • New Prometheus metric console_reader_trx_read_count can be used to obtain a transaction rate of how many transactions were read from the node over a period of time.

  • New Prometheus metric console_reader_block_read_count can be used to obtain a block rate of how many blocks were read from the node over a period of time.

  • Added --header-only support on fireeth tools firehose-client.

  • Added HeaderOnly transform that can be used to return only the Block's header a few top-level fields Ver, Hash, Number and Size.

  • Added fireeth tools firehose-prometheus-exporter to use as a client-side monitoring tool of a Firehose endpoint.


  • Deprecated LightBlock is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version, its goal is now much better handled by CombineFilter transform or HeaderOnly transform if you required only Block's header.

