Multimedia streaming research group at Ozyegin University from Istanbul, Turkey. We focus on low-latency live streaming and 360-degree video streaming.
Ali C. Begen is a computer science professor at Ozyegin University in Istanbul and the founder of Networked Media, a technology consulting firm specializing in IP video. Through his consultancy, he provides expert services to media-tech companies and law firms. Previously, he was a technical lead at Cisco in San Jose, California. Begen earned his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2006. Throughout his career, he has been recognized with numerous academic and industry accolades, including an Emmy® Award for Technology and Engineering. He is a Streaming Video Technology Alliance (SVTA) Fellow. He holds over 40 US patents and is a Distinguished Member of the ACM and a Senior Member of the IEEE. More details are at
- Dr. Ekrem Çetinkaya
- Tuğçe Civelek (PhD)
- Zafer Gürel (PhD)
- Fatih Zengin (PhD)
- Beyza Demir (MS)
- Mehmet N. Akçay (PhD, 2022)
- Burak Kara (MS, 2022)
- Ömer F. Aladağ (MS, 2021)
- Deniz Uğur (BS, 2021)
- Kerem Durak (MS, 2020)
- Adem A. Karmış (MS, 2020)
- Şevket Arısu (MS, 2018)
- BoB: bandwidth prediction for real-time communications using heuristic and reinforcement learning, Abdelhak Bentaleb, Mehmet N. Akcay, May Lim, Ali C. Begen and Roger Zimmermann, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, to appear
- Could head motions affect quality when viewing 360-degree videos?, Burak Kara, Mehmet N. Akcay, Ali C. Begen, Saba Ahsan, Igor D.D. Curcio and Emre B. Aksu, IEEE Multimedia
- Catching the moment with LoL+ in Twitch-like low-latency live streaming platforms, Abdelhak Bentaleb, Mehmet N. Akcay, May Lim, Ali C. Begen and Roger Zimmermann, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 24, pp. 2300-2314, 2022
- Adaptive streaming of content-aware-encoded videos in dash.js, Ali C. Begen, Mehmet N. Akcay, Abdelhak Bentaleb and Alex Giladi, SMPTE Motion Imaging J., vol. 131/4, pp. 30-38, May 2022
- Game of protocols: is QUIC ready for prime time streaming?, Sevket Arisu, Ertan Yildiz and Ali C. Begen Int. J. Network Management, Special Issue on QoE-centric Analysis and Management of Communication Networks, vol. 30/3, pp. e2063, May/June 2020
- Quality upshifting with auxiliary I-frame splicing, Mehmet N. Akcay, Burak Kara, Ali C. Begen, Saba Ahsan, Igor D.D. Curcio, Kashyap Kammachi-Sreedhar and Emre Aksu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Jun. 2023
- Media over QUIC: initial testing, findings and results, Zafer Gurel, Tugce Erkilic Civelek, Atakan Bodur, Senem Bilgin, Deniz Yeniceri and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems Conf. (MMSys), Jun. 2023
- Studying green video distribution as a whole, Burak Kara, Gwendal Simon, Bruno Tuffin, Jerome Vieron and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. Int. Wksp. Green Multimedia Systems (GMSys), Jun. 2023
- Meta reinforcement learning for rate adaptation, Abdelhak Bentaleb, May Lim, Mehmet N. Akcay, Ali C. Begen and Roger Zimmermann, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Communications (INFOCOM), May 2023
- Bandwidth prediction in low-latency media transport, Abdelhak Bentaleb, Mehmet N. Akcay, May Lim, Ali C. Begen and Roger Zimmermann, in Proc. ACM Mile-High Video (MHV), May 2023
- Need for low latency: media over QUIC, Zafer Gurel, Tugce Erkilic Civelek and Ali C. Begen in Proc. ACM Mile-High Video (MHV), May 2023
- Benchmarking the Second Edition of the Omnidirectional Media Format Standard, Burak Kara, Mehmet N. Akcay, Ali C. Begen, Saba Ahsan, Igor D.D. Curcio, Kashyap Kammachi-Sreedhar and Emre Aksu, in IEEE Int. Symposium on Multimedia (IEEE ISM '22), Dec. 2022
- Automated adaptive playback for encoder-adjudicated live sports, Tankut Akgul, Deniz Ugur and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), Aug. 2022
- Rate-adaptive streaming of 360-degree videos with head-motion-aware viewport margins, Mehmet N. Akcay, Burak Kara, Saba Ahsan, Ali C. Begen, Igor Curcio and Emre Aksu, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR), Aug. 2022
- The benefits of server hinting when DASHing or HLSing, May Lim, Mehmet N. Akcay, Abdelhak Bentaleb, Ali C. Begen and Roger Zimmermann, in Proc. ACM Mile-High Video (MHV), Denver, CO, Mar. 2022
- Head-motion-aware viewport margins for improving user experience in immersive video, Mehmet N. Akcay, Burak Kara, Saba Ahsan, Ali C. Begen, Igor Curcio and Emre Aksu, in Proc. ACM Multimedia Asia (MMAsia), Gold Coast, Australia, Dec. 2021
- Adaptive streaming of content-aware-encoded videos in dash.js, Ali C. Begen, Mehmet N. Akcay, Abdelhak Bentaleb and Alex Giladi, in Proc. Int. Broadcasting Convention Conf. (IBC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Dec. 2021
- 🏆 COSMOS on steroids: a cheap detector for cheapfakes, Tankut Akgul, Tugce Erkilic Civelek, Deniz Ugur and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems Conf. (MMSys), Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2021 (Winner in YouTube's grand challenge)
- 🏆 Content-aware playback speed control for low-latency live streaming of sports, Omer F. Aladag, Deniz Ugur, Mehmet N. Akcay and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems Conf. (MMSys), Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2021 (Best Demo and Industry Paper Award and DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Award)
- 🏆 Common media client data (CMCD): initial findings, Abdelhak Bentaleb, May Lim, Mehmet N. Akcay, Ali C. Begen and Roger Zimmermann, in Proc. ACM Int. Wksp. Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2021 (DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Award)
- Evaluating the performance of Apple's low-latency HLS, Kerem Durak, Mehmet N. Akcay, Yigit K. Erinc, Boran Pekel and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. IEEE Int. Wksp. Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Tampere, Finland, Sept. 2020
- HTTP adaptive streaming over multiple network interfaces, Burak Kara, Sarp Ozturk and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems Conf. (MMSys), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2020
- Metadata-based user interface design for enhanced content access and viewing, Adem A. Karmis, Alper Derya and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems Conf. (MMSys), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2020
- 🏆 When they go high, we go low: low-latency live streaming in dash.js with LoL, May Lim, Mehmet N. Akcay, Abdelhak Bentaleb, Ali C. Begen and Roger Zimmermann, in Proc. ACM Multimedia Systems Conf. (MMSys), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2020 (Runner-up in Twitch's grand challenge)
- 🏆 Quickly starting media streams using QUIC, Sevket Arisu and Ali C. Begen, in Proc. Packet Video Wksp., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2018 (Best-paper Award Finalist)
List of publications from Ali C. Begen with at least one student. All publications from Ali C. Begen:
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