Backend API for purchasing Development courses. It comprises bootcamps along with their courses, users and reviews. The CRUD functionalities are provided for all resources, along with a hashed passwords and cookies for users authentication. API is secured against nosql injection, cros-site-scriptinga and multiple requests.
Remove one .env exstension from "config/config.env.env" and set the values.
npm install
# Run in dev mode
npm run dev
# Run in prod mode
npm start
To seed the database with users, bootcamps, courses and reviews with data from the "_data" folder, run
# Remove all data
node seeder -d
# Import all data
node seeder -i
Enable index.html file and locate it in "./public" folder, for requests documented with Postman.
- Version: 1.0.0
- Author: Vuk Stojkovic & Traversy Media