The first edition of the algo course in Hack Bulgaria
The topics that we cover at the Algorithms course.
- Course introduction
- Algorithm analysis
- Execution instructions
- Asymptotic analysis
- Algorithm complexity and Big Oh notation
- Best/wrost case analysis
- Linear data structures
- Array
- List
- Vector
- Queue/Stack
- Linear search
- Binary search
- Different data types - integers/floats
- Different structures - arrays/range of numbers
- Ternary search
- Interpolation search
- Graphs
- Shortest path
- Dijkstra
- Floyd–Warshall
- Shortest path
- Hashing
- Hash function
- Hash table
- Bloom filter
- String algorithms
- Trie
- Rolling hash
- Run-length encoding
- Burrows-Wheeler transform
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt
- Randomized algorithms - Monte Carlo and Las Vegas
- Dynamic programming