The image built using these scripts and sysroot extracted from an official SD card image is available on docker hub:
docker pull stepanove/jnano-cross:qt5.15.2-opencv4.5.5
The idea is to use this image with some folder on the host mounted as container's home:
docker run -ti \
--device=/dev/dri \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /path/to/sysroot:/opt/jetson/sysroot \
-v /path/to/workspace:/home \
--name=jnano-cross-container \
You also need to allow access to your X server, something like this:
xhost +
Then, within the container, add a user if you like (there is only root by default), install and configure required packages (QtCreator for example). All the changes will persist in this container (named "jnano-cross-container"). If you exit the container, it's not deleted by default, to start it again use:
docker start -ai jnano-cross-container
Optionally you can commit your changes into a new image and use it instead of stepanove/jnano-cross:qt5.15.2-opencv4.5.5
docker commit jnano-cross-container jnano-cross:configured
This folder contains scripts and dockerfiles used to build a container with CUDA cross-compiler, borrowed from mxnet
To build an image run following command in jnano-cross directory:
docker build -t jnano-cross -f .
Or pull it from docker hub:
docker pull stepanove/jnano-cross
This folder contains scripts and files used to cross-complie Qt within jnano-cross container. It expects target sysroot mounted to /opt/jetson/sysroot. can be used to install packages required to build the default Qt configuration, should be executed on Jetson Nano before extracting sysroot.
To build Qt you need to start a container:
docker run -ti -v /path/to/sysroot:/opt/jetson/sysroot -v /path/to/this/repo/:/workspace jnano-cross
Then run following commands in the container:
cd /workspace/qt
./ 5.15.2
The first argument is Qt version (5.15.2 by default). Qt is installed into /usr/local/Qt${version}-jnano folder. docker will assign some unique name to this container, you can get it with:
docker ps
or with:
docker ps -a
if the container is stopped
There is a script that can be used to build an arbitrary OpenCV version (with CUDA support), it's supposed to run within the jnano-cross container with the target sysroot mounted on /opt/jetson/sysroot. You can specify the required OpenCV version as the first argument (4.5.5 by default). It will installed into /usr/local/opencv-${version} folder.
cd /workspace/opencv
./ 4.5.5
After building everything you need, you can create an image using:
docker commit {container_name} {image_tag}
With QEMU and binfmt it's possible to run a docker container for different architectures on a plain x86_64 linux machine. I created a Jetson Nano docker image from a stock SD card image, it's available on docker hub. I used it to generate sysroot for building Qt and for testing cross-compiled binaries.
docker pull stepanove/jnano-cross:target
If you try to run on it x86 machine as is, you will get an error:
user@user-B450M-S2H:~$ docker run --rm -ti stepanove/jnano-cross:target
standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
To fix it you need to activate qemu-user-static container first:
user@user-B450M-S2H:~$ docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
user@user-B450M-S2H:~$ docker run --rm -ti stepanove/jnano-cross:target
root@003e2b3a8126:/# uname -a
Linux 003e2b3a8126 5.4.0-91-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 5 16:31:28 UTC 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
This image can be used to generate a sysroot folder for your cross-toolchain, you can install packages inside of the container with apt (just like with a real board). You can configure ssh server to rsync it later. It's also possible to run GUI applications, heavy 3D graphics will not work, though. It also can be used to do a native build of anything you want, often it's much easier than cross-compilation, but the performance hit is quite significant.
xhost +
docker run -ti \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /path/to/workspace:/home \
To build a docker image from a root filesystem image you just need to execute following command in a folder containing your root fs
sudo tar -c . |docker import --change "ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash" - {image_tag}
Database support plugins can be built and added to the installation later, there is no need to rebuild Qt. The process is described in Qt docs.
For example, to build MYSQL driver you just need to execute following commands in qt-everywhere-src-${version}/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers folder:
/usr/local/Qt${version}-jnano/bin/qmake -- MYSQL_INCDIR="/usr/include/mysql"
make sub-mysql
make sub-mysql-install_subtargets
It will build and install to /usr/local/Qt${version}-jnano/plugins/sqldrivers/. You have to have libmysqlclient-dev package in your sysroot, of course.
Cross Compiling Qt for Embedded Systems
Qt 5.13 rc3 on the Nvidia Jetson Nano
Building Qt 5.15 LTS for Raspberry Pi on Raspberry Pi OS
How to Cross Compile OpenCV and MXNET for NVIDIA Jetson (AArch64 CUDA)