This repository contains the skeletons as they're used within the StdMod project.
If you want to set up a module that is streamlined with the other StdMod modules you're suggested to clone any of the templates linked to in this repository and use it as the basis of your module.
This puppet module skeletons in the skeletons subdir are based on stdmod naming standards:
- skeletons/standard is for a typical package/service/configuation module
- skeletons/simple is for a simple package/configuation module
The skeletons are based on these excellent works:
As a feature, puppet module tool will use ~/.puppet/var/puppet-module/skeleton
as template for its generate
command. The files provided here are
meant to be better templates for use with the puppet module tool.
As we don't want to have our .git files and this README in our skeleton, we export it like this:
git clone
cd puppet-skeleton-simple
mkdir -p $HOME/.puppet/var/puppet-module/skeleton
rsync -av --delete --exclude '.git' . $HOME/.puppet/var/puppet-module/skeleton
The just generate your new module structure like so:
puppet module generate user-module
Once you have your module then install the development dependencies:
cd user-module
bundle install
Now you should have a bunch of rake commands to help with your module development:
bundle exec rake -T
rake build # Build puppet module package
rake clean # Clean a built module package
rake coverage # Generate code coverage information
rake help # Display the list of available rake tasks
rake lint # Check puppet manifests with puppet-lint / Run puppet-lint
rake spec # Run spec tests in a clean fixtures directory
rake spec:system # Run system tests
rake spec_clean # Clean up the fixtures directory
rake spec_prep # Create the fixtures directory
rake spec_standalone # Run spec tests on an existing fixtures directory
rake spec_system # Run RSpec code examples
rake syntax # Syntax check Puppet manifests and templates
rake syntax:manifests # Syntax check Puppet manifests
rake syntax:templates # Syntax check Puppet templates
Of particular interest should be:
rake spec
- run unit testsrake spec:system
- run full system tests (requires vagrant)rake lint
- checks against the puppet style guiderake syntax
- to check your have valid puppet and erb syntax