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Swamplands Creatures : Compressed Information

crispytwig edited this page May 13, 2023 · 1 revision


  • Spawns naturally in Swamps, Mangrove Swamps, and any modded biomes using the swamp biome tags as a base.
  • Can be bred with a variety of meats. After being bred, will find a spot to lay their eggs.
  • Attacks any entity that comes within range of their eggs.
  • Attacks any entity that enters the water with them.
  • Drops Reptile Hide upon death, which can be crafted into 2 Leather.


  • Spawns naturally in Swamps, Mangrove Swamps, Rivers, and any modded biomes using the swamp biome tags as a base.
  • Fish. Drops Bass.
  • Can be bucketed.


  • Spawns naturally in Swamps, Mangrove Swamps, and any modded biomes using the swamp biome tags as a base.
  • Fish. Drops Catfish.
  • Can be bucketed.
  • Hunts and kills other small fish, but does not currently eat them.


  • Spawns naturally in Swamps, Mangrove Swamps, and any modded biomes using the swamp biome tags as a base.
  • Can be "fed" to Frogs to obtain Crimson, Azure, or Verdant Froglass. (Red, Blue, and Green)
  • Can be fed Chorus Fruit to obtain 1 Dragon Burp, which can be bottled as a source of renewable Dragon Breath.


  • Can be tamed with Spider Eyes.
  • Cannot be bred.
  • Drops tail when low on health.


  • Spawns naturally in various biomes - a few are Deserts, Jungles, and Swamps. There are 3 Tortoise skin variants.
  • Can be tamed and bred with Dandelions, Brown Mushrooms, Bamboo, or Cactus. Items can be defined in a tag.
  • After breeding, will find a spot to lay its eggs.
  • Big fans of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!


  • Spawns naturally in Swamps, Mangrove Swamps, Rivers, and any modded biomes using the swamp biome tags as a base.
  • Cannot be tamed.
  • Bred with a variety of fish items.
  • Occasionally lays Duck Eggs, which can be cooked into Cooked Eggs alongside normal Chicken Eggs.
  • Drops Raw Duck and has a chance to drop a Feather upon death.
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