I have since updated my deployment process. It is now named 'launch', has its own repository, and is available on npm. I highly recommend that you use that.
This repository only exists because there is a blog post that points to it, and it looks like some of you were hitting a 404 at this repo and getting confused (understandably). Please be aware that I won't be developing on this repository, but you can still get in touch if you want to talk about it.
Disclaimer: These files and their descriptions are very specific to my project setup. They will not work on your current setup!
This file lives in the project root. It is called by the post-receive hook and does most of the work.
This is a file standardised by npm. This means on any development environment, you can cd the project root and run:
npm install
This will install of the dependencies declared in the package.json file. The jakefile also automates this same task on the deployment environment.
This is the git post-receive hook. Place it in the hooks directory in the git reposity of the project.
This is a sample json document outlining the build properties. It also lives in the site root /config
This is the upstart daemon config. Place it in /etc/event.d/. State should be live/dev.
This is the monit config. Place it in /usr/local/etc/monitrc. The all of the sites to be monitored can be placed in this monolithic file.