All stuff related to KEEP& Stake Capital
Stake Capital KEEP address:
- Operator 1: 0x1de632bb859b09e016bf189836a00a0d2d791d53
- Staking tx:
To pay fees: tx from 0x Staking Pool to KEEP worker:
Authorize tx hash:
- Go to the token dashboard:
- Ensure you're Metamask is on the account from the Ledger (with the delegation) and that you're on Mainnet.
- Click TOKENS -> Delegate Tokens
- Click the "owned" tab
- Create delegation with the following values:
- Beneficiary Address: set this to the address of the Ledger wallet (it will receive the rewards)
- Operator Address: 0x1de632bb859b09e016bf189836a00a0d2d791d53 (this is the operator address of the node we're running on the instance)
- Authorizer Address: set this to the address of the Ledger wallet also (must create authorization transaction for operator, but doesn't need to be hot)
- Submit the transaction