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Releases: stahta01/m6809-dev

m6809 toolchain

02 Jan 14:29
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xroar package is built for MSys2 32 and 64 bit and MINGW64, MINGW32, and UCRT64 environments.
Most other packages built for both MSys2 32 and 64 bit.

mame package is built for MINGW64 and UCRT64 environments.
mame-tools package is built for MINGW64, MINGW32, and UCRT64 environments.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.
Both cmoc_toolchain and gcc6809lw_toolchain 7z files includes lwtools.
Install vasm package before vasm6809 package

Command I use to copy roms to MSys2 location that works
mkdir -p ~/.xroar/roms/ && cp /${SYSTEMDRIVE:0:1}/Users/${USERNAME}/AppData/Local/XRoar/roms/*.rom ~/.xroar/roms/

m6809 toolchain

06 Nov 16:07
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This release has major re-write of gcc6809lw package (GCC 4.3.6 for m6809 using lwtools)
This xroar MSys2 32 and 64 bit depends are from packages in

xroar package is built for MSys2 32 and 64 bit and MINGW64, MINGW32, and UCRT64 enviroments.
Most other packages built for both MSys2 32 and 64 bit.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.
Both cmoc_toolchain and gcc6809lw_toolchain 7z files includes lwtools.
Install vasm package before vasm6809 package

Known issues:
MINGW32 xroar fails to work when GCC6 package is installed.

Command I use to copy roms to MSys2 location that works
mkdir -p ~/.xroar/roms/ && cp /${SYSTEMDRIVE:0:1}/Users/${USERNAME}/AppData/Local/XRoar/roms/*.rom ~/.xroar/roms/

m6809 toolchain

04 Nov 23:36
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xroar package is in MSys2 32 and 64 bit and MINGW64, MINGW32, and UCRT64 types.
gcc6809lw and newlib6809lw only builds for MSys2 32 bit and gcc6809lw have run-time issues.
Most other packages build for both MSys2 32 and 64 bit.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.
cmoc_toolchain includes lwtools to reduce user errors
Install vasm package before vasm6809 package

Known issues:
MINGW32 xroar fails to work when GCC6 package is installed.

Command I use to copy roms to MSys2 location that works
mkdir -p ~/.xroar/roms/ && cp /${SYSTEMDRIVE:0:1}/Users/${USERNAME}/AppData/Local/XRoar/roms/*.rom ~/.xroar/roms/

m6809 toolchain

17 Aug 14:02
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MINGW32, MINGW64, and URT64 packages in this release;
Except for Toolshed, vasm, and CMOC Toolchain which are an MSys2 packages instead.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.
cmoc_toolchain includes lwtools
Install vasm package before vasm6809 package

Known issues:
MINGW32 xroar fails to work when GCC6 package is installed.

m6809 toolchain

13 May 21:24
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MINGW32, MINGW64, and URT64 packages in this release;
Except for Toolshed and CMOC Toolchain which are an MSys2 packages instead.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.
cmoc_toolchain includes lwtools
Install vasm package before vasm6809 package

Known issues:
MINGW32 xroar fails to work when GCC6 package is installed.


01 Apr 16:43
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GCC 6 and CRT 6 for MINGW32, MINGW64, and URT64 packages; they are needed to build gcc6502 package.

The long term plan is to create an GCC 6 (targeting m6809) package.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.

m6809 toolchain

19 Mar 19:28
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MINGW32, MINGW64, and URT64 packages in this release;
Except for Toolshed and CMOC Toolchain which are an MSys2 packages instead.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.
cmoc_toolchain includes lwtools
Install vasm package before vasm6809 package

Known issues:
MINGW32 xroar fails to work when GCC6 package is installed.

m6809 toolchain

19 Mar 16:55
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m6809 toolchain Pre-release

MINGW32, MINGW64, and URT64 packages in this release;
Except for Toolshed which is MSYS instead.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.

cmoc_toolchain includes lwtools.


18 Mar 17:33
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GCC6 Pre-release

GCC 6 and CRT 6 for MINGW32, MINGW64, and URT64 packages; they are needed to build gcc6502 package.

The long term plan is to create an GCC 6 for 6809 package.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.


18 Mar 13:57
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v0.27 Pre-release

MINGW32, MINGW64, and URT64 packages in this release.

Note: Toolshed does not build for UCRT64.

Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.

cmoc_toolchain includes lwtools

Install vasm package before vasm6809 package