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- [x] tgstation#82282 - [x] map in aux base how the hell did i forget it - [x] fill out maints - [x] properly test the goddamn thing - [x] fix major cameranets - [ ] fix any issues - [x] write a proper pr body ## About The Pull Request adds this map to the map rotation bottom level (24.5.2024)  upper level (24.5.2024)  ## general map details and department stuff - the station is more focused on the bottom level, so falling in doesnt roundremove you - this is an asteroid station, so assistants can larp as dorfs and mine towards the sweet loot - there is plenty multiz usage - service is the center of the station **Service** - Is the center of the station. Arrivals docks directly in the middle of the station next to Upper Service, so bar might get more traffic. Not much different than normal Service, but janitors closet is also present here, he sleeps on the floor. We do not talk about the janitor. Above Bar is Library and Hydroponics with an overlook to look at bar. The Theater has a big curtain and a podium directly in the bar. 29.3.2024  **Civilian** - Also in the center of the station, next to bar. There isnt much to talk about dorms, its pretty normal. **Cargo** - Absence of chutes that go to departments, reminder that mail sorting is a thing. Cargo bay is a big open area with a boutique/shop facing primary hall that starts closed, and Cargo has its own crate elevator. Theres upper Cargo where mining, bitrunning and a secure warehouse is located (There may be a murder scene). The quartermasters office spans two z-levels and is relatively compact. Not much else different from regular cargo. ~~Oh also the QM starts with an empty PML-9 and a mostly functional rocket~~ 29.3.2024  **Medical** - Large centralized medbay, also two z-levels. There is a public waiting room with triage and a reception. There is also an inner elevator for the crippled. There are two medbay-access patient rooms that are unrestricted from the inside, and two operating rooms. Medbay has its own rad shelter. The virologist does not get their own satellite, but is still relatively secure. 29.3.2024 (large gif) **Command** - AI Sat transit tube access is here. HoP has an open stall facing primary hall, ~~and maybe a piano trapdoor~~ pretty classic bridge, Captain does not get his own office but gets a really comfortable quarters with his own emergency mass ejection for abandoning ship. The council meeting room is present above bridge, with ERT Ferry dock docking inside adjacent to the council room. **Security** - Mostly bottom z level security. Very compact brig cells, and a meeting room that everyone that is related to security may spawn in if youre lucky. Warden has a weapon handout point facing the inner security hall and the equipment room. Reeducation chamber has a shocked grille treadmill. HoS and Warden Room and armory are on the upper z-level, and warden has a VERY good overlook over permabrig. Armory is seperated into nonlethal to mostly nonlethal and lethal. 29.3.2024  **Science** - Also pretty centralized, breakroom with a smoking corner, two z levels and a big overlook. RD office overlooks toxins and bomb site. Genetics and RD Office is on the upper floor, with a science exclusive monkey exhibit. Xenobio is thick due to proximity to bomb site, otherwise normal. 29.3.2024  **AI Sat** - Okay at this point assume any department is multiz. The antechamber is an elevator and the turrets are on said elevator. The elevator may be sent to the top level by engineers, where the AI core is. Telecomms is on the bottom level, and AI core is above it. Contains a borg entertainment room, and also the upload. The elevator being raised is necessary to properly enter AI Room. **Engineering** - Contains a less stale but still average and less than optimal SM setup. Prone to catastrophic disaster. The SM Room is two levels and very open, and CE has a trapdoor directly into the shard. Turbine is above atmospherics, so is the crystallizer. The HFR and main atmos and distribution room are on the bottom level. Piped by **Kendra Hunter**. Contains a built in electrolyzer corner so atmos mains stop gutting the aesthetics to place down some dumb machine. ## Why It's Good For The Game another interesting map into the roster, different from the other multiz maps in the form that you dont get stuck in hell by falling down a hole todo write better section ## Changelog :cl: add: wawastation, the station map /:cl: --------- Co-authored-by: Jeremiah <[email protected]>
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