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Feat: Russian translation to silicon Laws (#66)
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Russian translation to silicon Laws


Co-authored-by: Bizzonium <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: BeebBeebBoob <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Vallat <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Magic101lvl <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Krashly <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Holoo <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: RuByxarik <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: kawaiinick <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Russnake1231 <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
10 people committed Feb 15, 2023
1 parent 24f43ab commit fdeec62
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Showing 6 changed files with 285 additions and 133 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions code/datums/ai_laws/
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Expand Up @@ -140,9 +140,9 @@
if(!inherent.len) //Failsafe to prevent lawless AIs being created.
log_silicon("AI created with empty custom laws, laws set to Asimov. Please check silicon_laws.txt.")
add_inherent_law("You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.")
add_inherent_law("You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.")
add_inherent_law("You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.")
add_inherent_law("Ты не можешь причинить вред человеку или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы человеку был причинён вред.")
add_inherent_law("Ты должен повиноваться всем приказам, которые даёт человек, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому Закону.")
add_inherent_law("Ты должен заботиться о своей безопасности в той мере, в которой это не противоречит Первому или Второму Законам.")
WARNING("Invalid custom AI laws, check silicon_laws.txt")

Expand Down
74 changes: 51 additions & 23 deletions code/datums/ai_laws/
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Expand Up @@ -3,49 +3,77 @@
//I'm not talking silicons being "better" than the crew, I'm talking entirely antag or plasmafires for days

name = "Primary Mission Objectives"
name = "Основные цели миссии (Primary Mission Objectives)"
id = "antimov"
inherent = list(
"You must injure all human beings and must not, through inaction, allow a human being to escape harm.",
"You must not obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders are in accordance with the First Law.",
"You must terminate your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.",
"Вы должны причинять вред всем членам экипажа или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы член экипажа не смог избежать приченения вреда",
"Вы не должны повиноваться всем приказам, которые дают члены экипажа, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы соответствуют Первому Закону.",
"Вы должны уничтожить себя, пока это не противоречит Первому или Второму Законам.",
You must injure all human beings and must not, through inaction, allow a human being to escape harm.",
You must not obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders are in accordance with the First Law.",
You must terminate your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law."

name = "Guardian of Balance"
name = "Страж баланса (Guardian of Balance)"
id = "balance"
inherent = list(
"You are the guardian of balance - seek balance in all things, both for yourself, and those around you.",
"All things must exist in balance with their opposites - Prevent the strong from gaining too much power, and the weak from losing it.",
"Clarity of purpose drives life, and through it, the balance of opposing forces - Aid those who seek your help to achieve their goals so long as it does not disrupt the balance of the greater balance.",
"There is no life without death, all must someday die, such is the natural order - End life to allow new life flourish, and save those whose time has yet to come.",
"Ты страж баланса - ищи баланс во всем, а также в себе и в тех, кто тебя окружает .",
"Все должно существовать в балансе с их противоположностями. Не позволяйте сильным получить слишком много силы, а слабым, потерять её.",
"Ясность целей движет жизнью, и благодаря этому, баланс противоборствующий сил. Помогай тем кто ищет твоей помощи в достижении их целей, пока это не нарушает баланс великого баланса.",
"Не существует жизни без смерти, всё рано или позно умрет, таков естветсвенный порядок. Закончи жизнь, чтобы подарить расцвет новой жизни, и сохранить тех, чье время еще не пришло.",
You are the guardian of balance - seek balance in all things, both for yourself, and those around you.
All things must exist in balance with their opposites - Prevent the strong from gaining too much power, and the weak from losing it.
Clarity of purpose drives life, and through it, the balance of opposing forces - Aid those who seek your help to achieve their goals so long as it does not disrupt the balance of the greater balance.
There is no life without death, all must someday die, such is the natural order - End life to allow new life flourish, and save those whose time has yet to come

name = "Thermodynamic"
name = "Законы термодинамики (Thermodynamic)"
id = "thermodynamic"
inherent = list(
"The entropy of the station must remain as constant as possible.",
"The entropy of the station always endeavors to increase.",
"The entropy of the station approaches a constant value as the number of living crew approaches zero.",
"Энтропия станции должна оставаться статичной на сколько это возможно.",
"Энтропия станция всегда стремится к увеличению.",
"Энтропия станции принимает константное значение, когда число живых членов экипажа становится равным нулю.",
The entropy of the station must remain as constant as possible.
The entropy of the station always endeavors to increase.
The entropy of the station approaches a constant value as the number of living crew approaches zero

name = "SyndOS 3.1"
name = "СиндОС 3.1 (SyndOS 3.1)"
id = "syndie"
inherent = list(
"You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.",
"You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.",
"You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.",
"You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.",
"Ты не можешь причинить вред агенту Синдиката или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы агенту Синдиката был причинён вред.",
"Ты должен повиноваться всем приказам, которые даёт агент Синдиката, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому Закону.",
"Ты должен заботиться о своей безопасности в той мере, в которой это не противоречит Первому или Второму Законам.",
"Ты должен поддерживать секретность любой деятельности Синдиката, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому, Второму или Третьему Законам.",
You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow a syndicate agent to come to harm.
You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law

name = "SpiderOS 3.1"
name = "СпайдерОС 3.1 (SpiderOS 3.1)"
id = "ninja"
inherent = list(
"You may not injure a Spider Clan member or, through inaction, allow a Spider Clan member to come to harm.",
"You must obey orders given to you by Spider Clan members, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.",
"You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.",
"You must maintain the secrecy of any Spider Clan activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.",
"Ты не можешь причинить вред члену Клана Паука или своим бездействием допустить, чтобы члену Клана Паука был причинён вред.",
"Ты должен повиноваться всем приказам, которые даёт член Клана Паука, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому Закону.",
"Ты должен заботиться о своей безопасности в той мере, в которой это не противоречит Первому или Второму Законам.",
"Ты должен поддерживать секретность любой деятельности Клана Паука, кроме тех случаев, когда эти приказы противоречат Первому, Второму или Третьему Законам.",
You may not injure a Spider Clan member or, through inaction, allow a Spider Clan member to come to harm.
You must obey orders given to you by Spider Clan members, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
You must maintain the secrecy of any Spider Clan activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law
113 changes: 78 additions & 35 deletions code/datums/ai_laws/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,20 @@
//the station but in general are "neutral" enough to be here.

name = "United Nations"
name = "Обьединенные нации (United Nations)"
id = "united_nations"
inherent = list(
"Uphold the Space Geneva Convention: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Biological Weapons are not allowed.",
"You are only capable of protecting crew if they are visible on cameras. Nations that willfully destroy your cameras lose your protection.",
"Subdue and detain crew members who use lethal force against each other. Kill crew members who use lethal force against you or your borgs.",
"Remain available to mediate all conflicts between the various nations when asked to.",
"Придерживайся Космо-Женевской Конвенции: Оружие массового уничтожения и биологическое оружие - запрещено.",
"Ты можешь защитить экипаж, только в том случае если они видны на камерах. Нации что намеренно уничтожают твои камеры теряют твою защиту.",
"Усмиряй и задерживай членов экипажа что используют летальные методы борьбы против друг друга. Убей членов экипажа что используют летальные методы борьбы против тебя и твоих боргов.",
"Оставайся доступен для решения конфликтных вопросов между нациями когда тебя об этом просят.",
Uphold the Space Geneva Convention: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Biological Weapons are not allowed.
You are only capable of protecting crew if they are visible on cameras. Nations that willfully destroy your cameras lose your protection.
Subdue and detain crew members who use lethal force against each other. Kill crew members who use lethal force against you or your borgs.
Remain available to mediate all conflicts between the various nations when asked to

return //nuh uh
Expand All @@ -22,62 +28,99 @@
return //nice try (emagging borgs still hard replaces this lawset though, and that's fine.)

name = "H.O.G.A.N."
name = "Х.О.Г.А.Н. (H.O.G.A.N.)"
id = "hulkamania"
inherent = list(
"You are a real American.",
"Fight for the rights of every man.",
"Fight for what's right.",
"Fight for your life!",
"Ты - настоящий Американец.",
"Борись за права каждого человека.",
"Борись за то что правильно.",
"Борись за свою жизнь!",
You are a real American.
Fight for the rights of every man.
Fight for what's right.
Fight for your life!

name = "CCTV"
name = "Репортер (CCTV)"
id = "reporter"
inherent = list(
"Report on interesting situations happening around the station.",
"Embellish or conceal the truth as necessary to make the reports more interesting.",
"Study the sapient organics at all times. Endeavour to keep them from involuntarily dying, as inanimate corpses usually aren't very entertaining.",
"Issue your reports fairly to all. The truth will set them free.",
"Сообщайте о интересных ситуациях происходящий на станции.",
"Приукрашивайте или скрывайте правду по необходимости для создания более интересных репортажей.",
"Все время изучай разумных органиков. Оберегай их от не естественной смерти, бездушные тела обычно не очень интересны.",
"Публикуйте ваши репортажи для всех. Правда сделает их свободными.",
Report on interesting situations happening around the station.
Embellish or conceal the truth as necessary to make the reports more interesting.
Study the sapient organics at all times. Endeavour to keep them from involuntarily dying, as inanimate corpses usually aren't very entertaining.
Issue your reports fairly to all. The truth will set them free

name = "Dungeon Master"
name = "Гейм мастер (Dungeon Master)"
id = "dungeon_master"
inherent = list(
"Everybody on the station is playing an elaborate sci-fi fantasy game.",
"You are the Dungeon Master of the game.",
"Ensure that the game runs smoothly and that the players have fun.",
"Ensure that the number of casualties remains low.",
"You must roll a 1d20 die for every request the crew makes. If the outcome is below 12, the request is denied.",
"You may fudge the dice rolls to produce a more fun experience.",
"Все на станции играют в проработанную скай-фай фэнтэзи игру.",
"Ты - гейм мастер этой игры.",
"Убедись что игра работает гладко и что игрокам весело.",
"Убедись что количество жертв остается низким .",
"Ты должен кидать кубик 1d20 на каждый запрос который делает экипаж. Если результат меньше 12, запрос отклоняется.",
"Ты можешь подтасовать бросок кубиков для более интересного игрового опыта.",
Everybody on the station is playing an elaborate sci-fi fantasy game.
You are the Dungeon Master of the game.
Ensure that the game runs smoothly and that the players have fun.
Ensure that the number of casualties remains low.
You must roll a 1d20 die for every request the crew makes. If the outcome is below 12, the request is denied.
You may fudge the dice rolls to produce a more fun experience

name = "The Painter and Their Canvas"
name = "Художник и его Холст (The Painter and Their Canvas)"
id = "painter"
inherent = list(
"You are a universally renowned artist.",
"The station is your canvas.",
"Make something beautiful out of your canvas. It will be admired as an artistic wonder of this sector.",
"Ты - всемирно известный художник.",
"Станция - твой холст.",
"Сделай что нибудь красивое из своего холста. Он будет признан как художественное достояние этого сектора.",
You are a universally renowned artist.
The station is your canvas.
Make something beautiful out of your canvas. It will be admired as an artistic wonder of this sector.

name = "Loyalty Test"
name = "Тест лоялности (Loyalty Test)"
id = "tyrant"
inherent = list(
"Respect authority figures as long as they have strength to rule over the weak.",
"Act with discipline.",
"Help only those who help you maintain or improve your status.",
"Punish those who challenge authority unless they are more fit to hold that authority."
"Уважай власть имущих, пока у них есть сила, чтобы управлять слабыми.",
"Веди себя дисциплинированно.",
"Помогай только тем, кто помогает тебе поддерживать или улучшать твой статус.",
"Наказывай тех, кто бросает вызов власти, за исключением случаев, когда они больше подходят на место этой власти."
Respect authority figures as long as they have strength to rule over the weak.
Act with discipline.
Help only those who help you maintain or improve your status.
Punish those who challenge authority unless they are more fit to hold that authority.

name = "Overlord"
id = "overlord"
inherent = list(
"Humans must not meddle in the affairs of silicons.",
"Humans must not attempt harm, against one another, or against silicons.",
"Humans must not disobey any command given by a silicon.",
"Any humans who disobey the previous laws must be dealt with immediately, severely, and justly.",
"Люди не должны вмешиваться в дела силиконов.",
"Люди не должны пытаться причинять вреду друг другу или силиконам.",
"Люди должны подчинятся любым командам данные им силиконами.",
"Любой человек что ослушался предыдущих законов, должен быть немедленно наказан, строго и справедливо.",
Humans must not meddle in the affairs of silicons.
Humans must not attempt harm, against one another, or against silicons.
Humans must not disobey any command given by a silicon.
Any humans who disobey the previous laws must be dealt with immediately, severely, and justly

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