Complete CRUD operation using MEAN. Very easy to configure, takes just two line to configure.
1. git clone
2. go to the project folder i.e cd "project folder path"
3. npm install
4. open server.js and edit these varialbes:
a). dbname: name of your mongo database
b). dbUrl: mongo database connection url (with your mongo credentials)
c). modelName: table name of the databased.
d). dataSchema: schema of the table on which you want the crud operation.
5. in command line enter : node server
6. go to http://localhost:3000/ : you will see the page where you can do the crud operation.
1. server.js: node js file with routing and configuration.
2. public/index.html: html template file.
3. public/main.js: html template file.
1. Bootstrap CSS
2. Angular 1
3. Jquery
4. Ng-grid
5. Node(Express for routing)
6. Mongo