If you use results from this repository, please cite the following articles.
- ILC residuals:
- Raghunathan and Omori, 2023, arXiv:2304.09166.
- Fisherlens:
- Green, Meyers, van Engelen 2016, arXiv: 1609.08143.
- Hotinli, et al. 2023, arXiv: 2111.15036.
- This tool also uses results from the following:
- Extragalacitc foreground modelling: Reichardt et al. 2021, arXiv: 2002.06197.
- Galactic foreground modelling: https://pysm3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- ILC curves:
- Look into this link.
- File name:
- Without galactic foregrounds: [expname]galaxy0[bands]_TT-EE_lmax6500_for7years.npy
- With galactic foregrounds: [expname]galaxy0[bands]_TT-EE_galmask[0_or_1_or_2]_lmax6500_for7years.npy
- Galactic foregrounds masks can be found here: planck_gal_fg_mask_with_cmbs4_footprint
- 0 - GAL070 + CMB-S4 footprint.
- 1 - GAL080 + CMB-S4 footprint.
- 2 - GAL090 + CMB-S4 footprint.
- Galactic foregrounds masks can be found here: planck_gal_fg_mask_with_cmbs4_footprint
- S4-Wide (Chilean LAT): This is for the latest noise specs from PBDR (as of Oct 2023).
- S4-Ultra deep (South Pole LAT: This is for the latest noise specs from PBDR (as of Oct 2023).
- S4-Wide (Chilean LAT) achevied performance: This is best performance that can be acheived.
- Look into read_ilc_residuals.py script to read ILC curves.
- Look into read_lensing_noise.py script to lensing noise curves.
- File name:
- Look into this link.
- Please look into (this README)(https://github.com/sriniraghunathan/DRAFT/blob/master/scripts/README.md)
- Optimally combines data from different bands using noise + foreground signals in different bands.
- Supports standard / constrained / partial internal linear combinations.
- Combines delensed CMB spectra and lensing spectra to forecast cosmological parameter constraints using Fisher formalism.
- Delensing reference: Green, Meyers, van Engelen 2016, arXiv: 1609.08143.
- Fisher code repo (yet to be integrated into this repo).
- Estimates biases in cosmological parameters due to residual foregrounds also using Fisher formalism.
- Extragalactic foregrounds: Radio, CIB, tSZ and kSZ power spectra from SPT measurements (George et al. 2015, arXiv: 1408.3161 and Reichardt et al. 2020, arXiv: 2002.06197).
- Assumed polarisation fractions: CIB = 2%; Radio = 3%; tSZ/kSZ = 0. But these are configurable. Look into params.ini.
- Galactic foregrounds: Dust and Synchrotron power spectra obtained from pySM3 simulations.