(Final Project for CSC 690 at SFSU)
ComitGit is a new way to create comic. User can create a new panel by drawing, resizing, tweaking the colors, replacing the background... The main feature of this project is the story-flow, a tree of panels, where each path is a storyline (comic). The story-flow brings the opportunity to create multiple comics with the same beginning.
# clone the git
$ cd your_repo_root/repo_name
$ git clone
$ cd ComicGit
# start the server
$ node index.js
Main View:
Main view contains a story-flow gallery.
User shall click on the “Start a new story” to create a story-flow for the new comic;
User shall click on any existing panel in the story-flow gallery to continue the comic;
Storyflow View:
A storyflow contains all the storylines beginning with the same panel.
The user shall click on any panel in the story-flow to view it.
The user shall hover over any panel to show some hidden tips:
1.User shall click on “add” to add a new panel into the story-flow
2.User shall click on “show” to view the current panel he selected
Editpanel View:
The user shall create a new panel from here.
The panel will be a composition of multiple drawing objects.
He can create a new object using the “create new object” option in the Editing toolbox.
Slideshow View:
The user can view the storyline in this view.
The default speed for the slide-show is zero, user can only switch to another slide manually by clicking on the left and right arrows.
Once the user set up a speed for the slide-show, it will automatically play the slides at this speed.
If the user click on the “Go back to story-flow”, it will link to the story-flow view.