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Extracted model loading logic into a separate class to help with read…
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srgtuszy committed Oct 14, 2024
1 parent f4ce44b commit 1b21b4e
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Showing 3 changed files with 188 additions and 183 deletions.
320 changes: 138 additions & 182 deletions Sources/llama-cpp-swift/LLama.swift
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Expand Up @@ -3,225 +3,181 @@ import Logging
@preconcurrency import llama

public actor LLama {
private let logger = Logger.llama
private let model: OpaquePointer
private let context: OpaquePointer
private let sampling: UnsafeMutablePointer<llama_sampler>
private var batch: llama_batch
private var tokensList: [llama_token]
private var temporaryInvalidCChars: [CChar]
private var isDone = false

private var nLen: Int32 = 1024
private var nCur: Int32 = 0
private var nDecode: Int32 = 0

// MARK: - Init & teardown

public init(modelPath: String, contextSize: UInt32 = 2048) throws {
let modelParams = llama_model_default_params()

#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
modelParams.n_gpu_layers = 0
logger.debug("Running on simulator, force use n_gpu_layers = 0")

guard let model = llama_load_model_from_file(modelPath, modelParams) else {
throw InitializationError(message: "Failed to load model", code: .failedToLoadModel)
private let logger = Logger.llama
private let modelLoader: Model
private let sampling: UnsafeMutablePointer<llama_sampler>
private var batch: llama_batch
private var tokensList: [llama_token]
private var temporaryInvalidCChars: [CChar]
private var isDone = false

private var nLen: Int32 = 1024
private var nCur: Int32 = 0
private var nDecode: Int32 = 0

// MARK: - Init & teardown

public init(modelLoader: Model) {
self.modelLoader = modelLoader

// Initialize sampling
let sparams = llama_sampler_chain_default_params()
self.sampling = llama_sampler_chain_init(sparams)
llama_sampler_chain_add(self.sampling, llama_sampler_init_temp(0.8))
llama_sampler_chain_add(self.sampling, llama_sampler_init_softmax())
llama_sampler_chain_add(self.sampling, llama_sampler_init_dist(1234))

// Initialize batch and token list
self.batch = llama_batch_init(512, 0, 1)
self.tokensList = []
self.temporaryInvalidCChars = []
self.model = model

// Initialize context parameters
let nThreads = max(1, min(8, ProcessInfo.processInfo.processorCount - 2))
logger.debug("Using \(nThreads) threads")

var ctxParams = llama_context_default_params()
ctxParams.n_ctx = contextSize
ctxParams.n_threads = Int32(nThreads)
ctxParams.n_threads_batch = Int32(nThreads)

guard let context = llama_new_context_with_model(model, ctxParams) else {
throw InitializationError(
message: "Failed to initialize context", code: .failedToInitializeContext)
self.context = context

// Initialize sampling
let sparams = llama_sampler_chain_default_params()
self.sampling = llama_sampler_chain_init(sparams)
llama_sampler_chain_add(self.sampling, llama_sampler_init_temp(0.8))
llama_sampler_chain_add(self.sampling, llama_sampler_init_softmax())
llama_sampler_chain_add(self.sampling, llama_sampler_init_dist(1234))

// Initialize batch and token list
self.batch = llama_batch_init(512, 0, 1)
self.tokensList = []
self.temporaryInvalidCChars = []

deinit {
deinit {
// llama_sampler_free(sampling)

// MARK: - Inference
public func infer(prompt: String, maxTokens: Int32 = 128) -> AsyncThrowingStream<String, Error> {
return AsyncThrowingStream(String.self, bufferingPolicy: .unbounded) { continuation in
Task {
do {
try completionInit(text: prompt)
} catch {
continuation.finish(throwing: error)
// MARK: - Inference

public func infer(prompt: String, maxTokens: Int32 = 128) -> AsyncThrowingStream<String, Error> {
return AsyncThrowingStream { continuation in
Task {
do {
try self.completionInit(text: prompt)
} catch {
continuation.finish(throwing: error)
while !self.isDone && self.nCur < self.nLen && self.nCur - self.batch.n_tokens < maxTokens {
guard !Task.isCancelled else {
let newTokenStr = self.completionLoop()
while !isDone && nCur < nLen && nCur - batch.n_tokens < maxTokens {
guard !Task.isCancelled else {
let newTokenStr = completionLoop()

// MARK: - Private helpers
// MARK: - Private helpers

private func llamaBatchClear(_ batch: inout llama_batch) {
batch.n_tokens = 0
private func completionInit(text: String) throws {
logger.debug("Attempting to complete \"\(text)\"")

private func llamaBatchAdd(
_ batch: inout llama_batch, _ id: llama_token, _ pos: llama_pos, _ seq_ids: [llama_seq_id],
_ logits: Bool
) {
batch.token[Int(batch.n_tokens)] = id
batch.pos[Int(batch.n_tokens)] = pos
batch.n_seq_id[Int(batch.n_tokens)] = Int32(seq_ids.count)
for i in 0..<seq_ids.count {
batch.seq_id[Int(batch.n_tokens)]![Int(i)] = seq_ids[i]
batch.logits[Int(batch.n_tokens)] = logits ? 1 : 0
tokensList = tokenize(text: text, add_bos: true)
temporaryInvalidCChars = []

batch.n_tokens += 1
let nCtx = llama_n_ctx(modelLoader.context)
let nKvReq = tokensList.count + Int(nLen) - tokensList.count

private func completionInit(text: String) throws {
logger.debug("Attempting to complete \"\(text)\"")
logger.debug("\nn_len = \(self.nLen), n_ctx = \(nCtx), n_kv_req = \(nKvReq)")

tokensList = tokenize(text: text, add_bos: true)
temporaryInvalidCChars = []

let nCtx = llama_n_ctx(context)
let nKvReq = tokensList.count + Int(nLen) - tokensList.count
if nKvReq > nCtx {
logger.error("Error: n_kv_req > n_ctx, the required KV cache size is not big enough")
throw InferError(message: "KV cache too small", code: .kvCacheFailure)

logger.debug("\nn_len = \(self.nLen), n_ctx = \(nCtx), n_kv_req = \(nKvReq)")

if nKvReq > nCtx {
logger.error("Error: n_kv_req > n_ctx, the required KV cache size is not big enough")
throw InferError(message: "KV cache too small", code: .kvCacheFailure)
for (i, token) in tokensList.enumerated() {
llamaBatchAdd(&batch, token, Int32(i), [0], false)
if batch.n_tokens > 0 {
batch.logits[Int(batch.n_tokens) - 1] = 1 // true

if llama_decode(modelLoader.context, batch) != 0 {
throw InferError(message: "llama_decode failed", code: .decodingFailure)

for (i, token) in tokensList.enumerated() {
llamaBatchAdd(&batch, token, Int32(i), [0], false)
if batch.n_tokens > 0 {
batch.logits[Int(batch.n_tokens) - 1] = 1 // true
nCur = batch.n_tokens

if llama_decode(context, batch) != 0 {
throw InferError(message: "llama_decode failed", code: .decodingFailure)
private func completionLoop() -> String {
var newTokenID: llama_token = 0
newTokenID = llama_sampler_sample(sampling, modelLoader.context, batch.n_tokens - 1)

nCur = batch.n_tokens
if llama_token_is_eog(modelLoader.model, newTokenID) || nCur == nLen {
isDone = true
let newTokenStr = String(cString: temporaryInvalidCChars + [0])
return newTokenStr

private func completionLoop() -> String {
var newTokenID: llama_token = 0
newTokenID = llama_sampler_sample(sampling, context, batch.n_tokens - 1)
let newTokenCChars = tokenToPieceArray(token: newTokenID)
temporaryInvalidCChars.append(contentsOf: newTokenCChars + [0])
let newTokenStr: String

if let string = String(validatingUTF8: temporaryInvalidCChars) {
newTokenStr = string
} else if let partialStr = attemptPartialString(from: temporaryInvalidCChars) {
newTokenStr = partialStr
} else {
newTokenStr = ""

if llama_token_is_eog(model, newTokenID) || nCur == nLen {
isDone = true
let newTokenStr = String(cString: temporaryInvalidCChars + [0])
return newTokenStr
llamaBatchAdd(&batch, newTokenID, nCur, [0], true)

let newTokenCChars = tokenToPieceArray(token: newTokenID)
temporaryInvalidCChars.append(contentsOf: newTokenCChars + [0])
let newTokenStr: String

if let string = String(validatingUTF8: temporaryInvalidCChars) {
newTokenStr = string
} else if let partialStr = attemptPartialString(from: temporaryInvalidCChars) {
newTokenStr = partialStr
} else {
newTokenStr = ""
nDecode += 1
nCur += 1

llamaBatchAdd(&batch, newTokenID, nCur, [0], true)
if llama_decode(modelLoader.context, batch) != 0 {
logger.error("Failed to evaluate llama!")

nDecode += 1
nCur += 1
return newTokenStr

if llama_decode(context, batch) != 0 {
print("Failed to evaluate llama!")
private func llamaBatchAdd(
_ batch: inout llama_batch, _ id: llama_token, _ pos: llama_pos, _ seq_ids: [llama_seq_id],
_ logits: Bool
) {
batch.token[Int(batch.n_tokens)] = id
batch.pos[Int(batch.n_tokens)] = pos
batch.n_seq_id[Int(batch.n_tokens)] = Int32(seq_ids.count)
for i in 0..<seq_ids.count {
batch.seq_id[Int(batch.n_tokens)]![Int(i)] = seq_ids[i]
batch.logits[Int(batch.n_tokens)] = logits ? 1 : 0

return newTokenStr
batch.n_tokens += 1

private func tokenize(text: String, add_bos: Bool) -> [llama_token] {
let utf8Data = text.utf8CString
let nTokens = Int32(utf8Data.count) + (add_bos ? 1 : 0)
let tokens = UnsafeMutablePointer<llama_token>.allocate(capacity: Int(nTokens))
defer { tokens.deallocate() }

let tokenCount = llama_tokenize(
model, text, Int32(utf8Data.count), tokens, Int32(nTokens), add_bos, false)
guard tokenCount > 0 else {
return []
private func tokenize(text: String, add_bos: Bool) -> [llama_token] {
let utf8Data = text.utf8CString
let nTokens = Int32(utf8Data.count) + (add_bos ? 1 : 0)
let tokens = UnsafeMutablePointer<llama_token>.allocate(capacity: Int(nTokens))
defer { tokens.deallocate() }

return Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: tokens, count: Int(tokenCount)))

private func tokenToPiece(token: llama_token) -> String? {
var result = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: 8)
var nTokens = llama_token_to_piece(model, token, &result, 8, 0, false)
let tokenCount = llama_tokenize(
modelLoader.model, text, Int32(utf8Data.count), tokens, Int32(nTokens), add_bos, false)
guard tokenCount > 0 else {
return []

if nTokens < 0 {
let requiredSize = -nTokens
result = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: Int(requiredSize))
nTokens = llama_token_to_piece(model, token, &result, requiredSize, 0, false)
return Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: tokens, count: Int(tokenCount)))

return String(cString: result)
private func tokenToPieceArray(token: llama_token) -> [CChar] {
var buffer = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: 8)
var nTokens = llama_token_to_piece(modelLoader.model, token, &buffer, 8, 0, false)

private func tokenToPieceArray(token: llama_token) -> [CChar] {
var buffer = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: 8)
var nTokens = llama_token_to_piece(model, token, &buffer, 8, 0, false)
if nTokens < 0 {
let requiredSize = -nTokens
buffer = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: Int(requiredSize))
nTokens = llama_token_to_piece(modelLoader.model, token, &buffer, requiredSize, 0, false)

if nTokens < 0 {
let requiredSize = -nTokens
buffer = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: Int(requiredSize))
nTokens = llama_token_to_piece(model, token, &buffer, requiredSize, 0, false)
return Array(buffer.prefix(Int(nTokens)))

return Array(buffer.prefix(Int(nTokens)))

private func attemptPartialString(from cchars: [CChar]) -> String? {
for i in (1..<cchars.count).reversed() {
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