Releases: squareops/terraform-aws-eks-addons
Release Notes:-
- ALB public and private support for deployed applications
- NLB public and private support for deployed applications
- Argo rollout feature integration in add-ons as a submodule
- Cluster proportional auto scaler feature integration.
- Added option to pass addons version while deploying to deploy the version of the helm as required.
Patch Fixes:-
- Added fix for the alb controller not working in the Hyderabad region.
- Separated VPA module from metrics server. VPA module can now be deployed as an individual module.
Full Changelog: v3.1.3...v4.0.1
Release Notes
- Added cost related tags
- Optimize the requests and limits in addons
- Integrated argocd and argo-workflow modules as a submodule.
- Updated coreDNS HPA memory metric type to %
- Solved K8s dashboard termination issue
- Updated HPA for arogcd and argo-workflow
- Solved ALB controller deletion issue.
- Fixed ingress-nginx destruction issue.
- Updated karpenter module to V1.0.0
What's Changed
Addons restructure and Version Updates for 1.30 cluster
update directory structure for alb,Node -termination-manager.cert-manager ,cluster-autoscaller,cluster-proportional-autoscaller,core dns-hpa,external-secret, reloader,metric-server
udate default addons and example calling module
Update addons directory structure for default addons, alb,Node -termination-manager,cert-manager,cluster-autoscaller,cluster-proportional-autoscaller,core dns-hpa,external-secret,config reloader,metric-server-hpa
structure update in cert-manager and corednshpa
Changes of modules and version update
kubernetes dashboard terraform addon module
update cert-manager config
solve kuberetes-dashboard ingress error
update aws-ebs-csi-driver module
update reloader configuration
Updated the module names and corrected file.
corrected module names which restructuring
Integrated ingress and private ingress in one module
ingress-nginx logic implemented for private nlb
add karpenter-provisioner configuration for multiple labels
change order of module names according to alphabatically
Testing for public and private ingress has been done
add keda configuration
corrected pre-commit errors and warnings
fixed the vpc-cni and ebs-csi-driver versions and resource limits
Updated file
standardized modules and variables
resource limit update keda, cluster-autoscaler, cert-manager
What's Changed
- added spot instance policy for service-linked-role by @Ajay-sops in #37
Full Changelog: v2.1.4...v2.1.5
Release Note
Drift Detection for Karpenter Nodes:
- Implemented drift detection in the Terraform module for updating Karpenter nodes.
- You can now update the EKS cluster version from the calling file, and the module will automatically detect and apply the necessary changes to Karpenter nodes.
Release Note
1. Enhancements:
Added support for deploying the Kubernetes Dashboard with an Application Load Balancer (ALB). This feature allows users to access the Kubernetes Dashboard securely and easily via the ALB.
2. Upgraded
Upgraded Velero to the version 1.10.0 for improved backup functionality for EKS clusters.
Release Note
1. Enhancements:
Enhanced Support for Pod Scaling Beyond Instance Capacity.
This release includes updates to the VPC CNI environment variables, enabling the launch of pods beyond the default capacity of instance types on worker nodes. This enhancement facilitates better scalability and utilization of resources within the Kubernetes cluster.