Become a sponsor to HackRegina
HackRegina is technology community located in the heart of Regina, SK ❤️ The non-profit organization started as a small Slack channel but has begun to grow into a community for software developers to share knowledge and get to know one another. Through hosting events and our Slack channel, we hope to create a network of Regina tech companies to both share knowledge and help Regina stay ahead of the latest technologies. Our goal is to assist individuals' growth by providing opportunities to collaborate, learn, and grow together.
We host numerous types of events throughout the year from networking to continuous learning opportunities. All of these events are made available and free to the community thanks to our sponsors. Some the events include:
- Hackathons
- Code Together Nights
- Industry Talks
- Development Workshops
A hackathon is an event that gathers groups of people with technical backgrounds to deliver various software solutions within a short period of time.
Code Together Nights
A Code Together night is an event to get a group together and work on anything that interests the participants. This event provides a shared space for participants to either: discuss and receive feedback on their projects or just code with peer motivation.
Industry Talks
We are planning talks for the community to share their knowledge to help Regina stay ahead of new and popular technologies for developing applications and software solutions.
Development Workshops
Workshops presented by developers for developers to assist with the continuous professional growth demanded by our industry.
Meet the team
David Crossman DJCrossmanBeen helping out HackRegina since 2017
$8 a month
Select🤘 Fan
- Thanks for being a fan and chipping in for the pizza. For your support, we'd like to offer you a shiny new Sponsor badge on your profile. ✨
$32 a month
Select🎗 Supporter
- Mini-sized sponsorship recognition on the HackRegina sponsors section with either: (a) your Github profile photo or (b) your choice of image - which links to any location you choose.
- Displayed profile photo or logo at events and presentation
$128 a month
Select📣 Promoter
- Med-sized sponsorship recognition on the HackRegina sponsors section
- Receive a special shout out at every HackRegina event and presentations
- [Coming Soon] Have your company's job posts highlighted and featured at the top of our job board
- [Coming Soon] Have your company highlighted and featured on our tech map
$256 a month
Select🙌 Champion
- All of the perks listed in lower tiers
- Largest sized sponsorship recognition on the HackRegina sponsors section
- Your own custom user group in the HackRegina Slack to notify your team — like @github or @facebook.