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BUG: check runtype before running code
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jungheejung committed Aug 25, 2024
1 parent d2383f1 commit 3a2d9ce
Showing 1 changed file with 193 additions and 52 deletions.
245 changes: 193 additions & 52 deletions spacetop_prep/events/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -33,7 +33,47 @@ def extract_bids(filename: str, key: str) -> str:
bids_info = [match for match in filename.split('_') if key in match][0]
bids_info_rmext = bids_info.split(os.extsep, 1)
return bids_info_rmext[0]
# argparse

code_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
metadata_df = pd.read_csv(join(code_dir, 'spacetop_task-fractional_run-metadata.csv'))

def get_task_name(bids_string, metadata_df):
Retrieve the task name based on subject ID and run ID (run-01 or run-02).
subject_id (str): The subject ID in the form 'sub-0006'.
run_id (str): The run ID, either 'run-01' or 'run-02'.
str: The task name or an error message if the input is invalid.
# Convert subject_id to integer by removing the 'sub-' prefix
sub = extract_bids(bids_string, 'sub')
run = extract_bids(bids_string, 'run')
subject_number = int(sub.replace('sub-', ''))

# Map run_id to task1 or task2
run_map = {
'run-01': 'task1',
'run-02': 'task2'

if run not in run_map:
return "Error: run_id should be either 'run-01' or 'run-02'"

# Find the row with the matching subject ID
subject_row = metadata_df[metadata_df['subject'] == subject_number]

if subject_row.empty:
return f"Error: No data found for subject ID {sub}"

# Retrieve the task name for the specified run ID
task_column = run_map[run]
task_name = subject_row[task_column].values[0]
return task_name

def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process behavioral files for specific subjects or all subjects.")
@@ -81,25 +121,29 @@ def parse_args():
# 'event04_RT','accuracy'

task_name = "tomsaxe"
# current_path = Path.cwd()
# main_dir = current_path.parent.parent
# %%

if args.bids_string and 'tomsaxe' in extract_bids(args.bids_string, 'task'):
sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')
saxe_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*.csv'))

if not saxe_flist:
# Attempt to find a TEMP file
temp_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*TEMP*.csv'))
if args.bids_string:
# Retrieve the task name from the bids_string using the provided metadata DataFrame
task_name = get_task_name(args.bids_string, metadata_df)
if 'tomsaxe' in task_name:
# Extract the subject identifier from the bids_string
sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')
saxe_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*.csv')) # Search for the CSV file corresponding to the bids_string within the specified directory

if temp_flist:
filtered_saxe_flist = temp_flist
if not saxe_flist:
# If no standard file is found, attempt to find a TEMP file as a fallback
temp_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*TEMP*.csv'))

if temp_flist:
# Use the TEMP file if found
filtered_saxe_flist = temp_flist
# If neither standard nor TEMP files are found, log a message and return an empty list
print(f'No behavior data file found for {args.bids_string}. Checked both standard and temporary filenames.')
filtered_saxe_flist = []
print(f'No behavior data file found for {args.bids_string}. Checked both standard and temporary filenames.')
filtered_saxe_flist = []
filtered_saxe_flist = saxe_flist
# If standard files are found, use them
filtered_saxe_flist = saxe_flist
# Get a list of all relevant files, excluding specific subjects
saxe_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'**/{task_name}*.csv'))
@@ -114,7 +158,9 @@ def parse_args():
sub_bids = extract_bids(saxe_fname, 'sub') #'sub-\d+', saxe_fname).group(0)
ses_bids = extract_bids(saxe_fname, 'ses') #'ses-\d+', saxe_fname).group(0)
run_bids = extract_bids(saxe_fname, 'run') #'run-\d+', saxe_fname).group(0)
task_name ='run-\d+-(\w+)_beh', saxe_fname).group(1)
bids_name= f"{sub_bids} {ses_bids} {run_bids}"
task_name = get_task_name(bids_name, metadata_df)
# task_name ='run-\d+-(\w+)_beh', saxe_fname).group(1)
print(f"{sub_bids} {ses_bids} {run_bids} {task_name}")
beh_savedir = join(bids_dir, sub_bids, ses_bids, 'func')
beh_df = pd.read_csv(saxe_fpath)
@@ -236,25 +282,62 @@ def parse_args():
# posner
# -------------------------------------------------
task_name = "posner"
# current_path = Path.cwd()
# main_dir = current_path.parent.parent
if args.bids_string and task_name in extract_bids(bids_string, 'task'):
sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')
# sub = extract_bids(bids_string, 'sub')
filtered_posner_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, sub, '**','task-fractional', '**', f'*{bids_string}*.csv'), recursive=True)
# # current_path = Path.cwd()
# # main_dir = current_path.parent.parent
# if args.bids_string: # and task_name in extract_bids(bids_string, 'task'):
# task_name = get_task_name(args.bids_string, metadata_df)
# if 'posner' in task_name:
# # Extract the subject identifier from the bids_string
# sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')
# filtered_posner_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, sub, '**','task-fractional', '**', f'*{bids_string}*.csv'), recursive=True)
# else:
# # scans_list = sorted(glob.glob('sub-*/**/*ses-04*scans*.tsv', recursive=True))
# posner_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, '**', f'*{task_name}*.csv'), recursive=True)
# filtered_posner_flist = [file for file in posner_flist if "sub-0001" not in file]

if args.bids_string:
# Retrieve the task name from the bids_string using the provided metadata DataFrame
task_name = get_task_name(args.bids_string, metadata_df)

if 'posner' in task_name:
# Extract the subject identifier from the bids_string
sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')

# Search for the CSV file corresponding to the bids_string within the specified directory
posner_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*.csv'))

if not posner_flist:
# If no standard file is found, attempt to find a TEMP file as a fallback
temp_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*TEMP*.csv'))

if temp_flist:
# Use the TEMP file if found
filtered_posner_flist = temp_flist
# If neither standard nor TEMP files are found, log a message and return an empty list
print(f'No behavior data file found for {args.bids_string}. Checked both standard and temporary filenames.')
filtered_posner_flist = []
# If standard files are found, use them
filtered_posner_flist = posner_flist
# scans_list = sorted(glob.glob('sub-*/**/*ses-04*scans*.tsv', recursive=True))
posner_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, '**', f'*{task_name}*.csv'), recursive=True)
filtered_posner_flist = [file for file in posner_flist if "sub-0001" not in file]
# If no bids_string is provided, search for all relevant files excluding specific subjects
posner_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'**/{task_name}*.csv'))

# Filter out files belonging to the excluded subject (e.g., "sub-0001")
filtered_posner_flist = [file for file in posner_flist if "sub-0001" not in str(file)]

# posner_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, '**', f'*{task_name}*.csv'), recursive=True)

for posner_fpath in sorted(filtered_posner_flist):
posner_fname = os.path.basename(posner_fpath)
sub_bids ='sub-\d+', posner_fname).group(0)
ses_bids ='ses-\d+', posner_fname).group(0)
run_bids ='run-\d+', posner_fname).group(0)
task_name ='run-\d+-(\w+)_beh', posner_fname).group(1)
bids_name= f"{sub_bids} {ses_bids} {run_bids}"
task_name = get_task_name(bids_name, metadata_df)
# task_name ='run-\d+-(\w+)_beh', posner_fname).group(1)
print(f"{sub_bids} {ses_bids} {run_bids} {task_name}")
beh_savedir = join(bids_dir, sub_bids, ses_bids, 'func')
beh_df = pd.read_csv(posner_fpath)
@@ -489,25 +572,48 @@ def parse_args():
task_name = "memory"
# current_path = Path.cwd()
# memory_flist = sorted(glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, '**', f'*{task_name}_beh.csv'), recursive=True))

if args.bids_string and task_name in extract_bids(bids_string, 'task'):
sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')
# sub = extract_bids(bids_string, 'sub')
filtered_memory_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, sub, '**','task-fractional', '**', f'*{bids_string}*.csv'), recursive=True)
# scans_list = sorted(glob.glob('sub-*/**/*ses-04*scans*.tsv', recursive=True))
memory_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, '**', f'*{task_name}*.csv'), recursive=True)
filtered_memory_flist = [file for file in memory_flist if "sub-0001" not in file]

if args.bids_string:
# Retrieve the task name from the bids_string using the provided metadata DataFrame
task_name = get_task_name(args.bids_string, metadata_df)

if 'memory' in task_name:
# Extract the subject identifier from the bids_string
sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')

# Search for the CSV file corresponding to the bids_string within the specified directory
memory_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*.csv'))

if not memory_flist:
# If no standard file is found, attempt to find a TEMP file as a fallback
temp_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*TEMP*.csv'))

if temp_flist:
# Use the TEMP file if found
filtered_memory_flist = temp_flist
# If neither standard nor TEMP files are found, log a message and return an empty list
print(f'No behavior data file found for {args.bids_string}. Checked both standard and temporary filenames.')
filtered_memory_flist = []
# If standard files are found, use them
filtered_memory_flist = memory_flist
# If no bids_string is provided, search for all relevant files excluding specific subjects
memory_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'**/{task_name}*.csv'))

# Filter out files belonging to the excluded subject (e.g., "sub-0001")
filtered_memory_flist = [file for file in memory_flist if "sub-0001" not in str(file)]

for memory_fpath in filtered_memory_flist:
memory_fname = os.path.basename(memory_fpath)
sub_bids ='sub-\d+', memory_fname).group(0)
ses_bids ='ses-\d+', memory_fname).group(0)
run_bids ='run-\d+', memory_fname).group(0)
task_name ='run-\d+-(\w+)_beh', memory_fname).group(1)
sub_bids = extract_bids(memory_fname, 'sub')'sub-\d+', memory_fname).group(0)
ses_bids = extract_bids(memory_fname, 'ses')'ses-\d+', memory_fname).group(0)
run_bids = extract_bids(memory_fname, 'run')'run-\d+', memory_fname).group(0)
bids_name= f"{sub_bids} {ses_bids} {run_bids}"
task_name = get_task_name(bids_name, metadata_df)
# task_name ='run-\d+-(\w+)_beh', memory_fname).group(1)
print(f"{sub_bids} {ses_bids} {run_bids} {task_name}")
beh_savedir = join(bids_dir, sub_bids, ses_bids, 'func')
membids_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['onset', 'duration', 'subtask_type', 'event_type', 'value', 'response_accuracy', 'stim_file', 'button_press'])
@@ -695,22 +801,57 @@ def parse_args():
# current_path = Path.cwd()
# spunt_flist = sorted(glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, '**', f'*{task_name}_beh.csv'), recursive=True))

if args.bids_string and task_name in extract_bids(bids_string, 'task') :
sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')
# sub = extract_bids(bids_string, 'sub')
filtered_spunt_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, sub, '**','task-fractional', '**', f'*{bids_string}*.csv'), recursive=True)
# scans_list = sorted(glob.glob('sub-*/**/*ses-04*scans*.tsv', recursive=True))
spunt_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, '**', f'*{task_name}*.csv'), recursive=True)
filtered_spunt_flist = [file for file in spunt_flist if "sub-0001" not in file]
# if args.bids_string and task_name in extract_bids(bids_string, 'task') :
# sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')
# # sub = extract_bids(bids_string, 'sub')
# filtered_spunt_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, sub, '**','task-fractional', '**', f'*{bids_string}*.csv'), recursive=True)
# else:
# # scans_list = sorted(glob.glob('sub-*/**/*ses-04*scans*.tsv', recursive=True))
# spunt_flist = glob.glob(join(beh_inputdir, '**', f'*{task_name}*.csv'), recursive=True)
# filtered_spunt_flist = [file for file in spunt_flist if "sub-0001" not in file]

if args.bids_string:
# Retrieve the task name from the bids_string using the provided metadata DataFrame
task_name = get_task_name(args.bids_string, metadata_df)

if 'tomspunt' in task_name:
# Extract the subject identifier from the bids_string
sub = extract_bids(Path(args.bids_string).name, 'sub')

# Search for the CSV file corresponding to the bids_string within the specified directory
spunt_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*.csv'))

if not spunt_flist:
# If no standard file is found, attempt to find a TEMP file as a fallback
temp_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'{sub}/**/task-fractional/**/{args.bids_string}*TEMP*.csv'))

if temp_flist:
# Use the TEMP file if found
filtered_spunt_flist = temp_flist
# If neither standard nor TEMP files are found, log a message and return an empty list
print(f'No behavior data file found for {args.bids_string}. Checked both standard and temporary filenames.')
filtered_spunt_flist = []
# If standard files are found, use them
filtered_spunt_flist = spunt_flist
# If no bids_string is provided, search for all relevant files excluding specific subjects
spunt_flist = list(Path(beh_inputdir).rglob(f'**/{task_name}*.csv'))

# Filter out files belonging to the excluded subject (e.g., "sub-0001")
filtered_spunt_flist = [file for file in spunt_flist if "sub-0001" not in str(file)]

for spunt_fpath in filtered_spunt_flist:
spunt_fname = os.path.basename(spunt_fpath)
sub_bids ='sub-\d+', spunt_fname).group(0)
ses_bids ='ses-\d+', spunt_fname).group(0)
run_bids ='run-\d+', spunt_fname).group(0)
task_name ='run-\d+-(\w+)_beh', spunt_fname).group(1)
bids_name= f"{sub_bids} {ses_bids} {run_bids}"
task_name = get_task_name(bids_name, metadata_df)
# task_name ='run-\d+-(\w+)_beh', spunt_fname).group(1)

print(f"{sub_bids} {ses_bids} {run_bids} {task_name}")
beh_savedir = join(bids_dir, sub_bids, ses_bids, 'func')

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