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This API provides endpoints for managing similar faces in a database. The API is built using FastAPI and PostgreSQL with PGVector for storing face embeddings.


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[PoC] Face Recognition API

License: GPL v3 GitHub repo size GitHub top language  Donation

This API provides endpoints for managing similar faces in a database. The API is built using FastAPI and PostgreSQL with PGVector for storing face embeddings.


This API is not intended for production use. It is a proof-of-concept implementation and should be used for educational purposes only.

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📑 Table of Contents

⚓ Requirements

  • Python 3.8.1 or latest (*Developed in Python 3.12.5)
  • PostgreSQL 13.5 or latest / Run the Docker Compose file to start a PostgreSQL instance.

📝 Example Config File

Create a config.toml file in the root directory with the following content:

dbname = "facerec_db"
user = "admin"
password = "admin"
host = "localhost"
port = "5432"

upload_dir = "uploads"

token = "<your-own-bearer-token>"


The auth.token value is used to authenticate requests to the API. You can generate a random token using the following JavaScript code: require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('hex').

📬 Endpoints

Insert Image

POST /insert-image

The insert-image endpoint is used to upload an image file and detect faces in it. The system will try to match the detected faces with the existing faces in the database within the same tenant. If a match is found, the detected face will be assigned the same cluster_id as the matched face. If no match is found, the detected face will be assigned a new cluster_id and marked as pending review.


mtcnn and Facenet are used for face detection and generation of face embeddings, respectively.

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
image UploadFile The uploaded image file.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The image ID and face IDs.

Delete Image

DELETE /image

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
image_id str The image ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The status of the operation.

Delete Face

DELETE /face

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
face_id str The face ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The status of the operation.

Delete Cluster

DELETE /cluster

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
cluster_id str The cluster ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The status of the operation.

Delete Tenant

DELETE /tenant

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The status of the operation.

Review Pending

GET /review-pending

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
review_id str The review ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The review pending record.

Review Pending List

GET /review-pending-list

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
skip int The number of records to skip.
limit int The maximum number of records to return.
token str The authentication token.


  • list: A list of review pending records.

Delete Review Pending

DELETE /review-pending

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
review_id str The review ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The status of the operation.

Update Face Cluster

POST /update-face-cluster

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
face_id str The face ID.
to_cluster_id str The new cluster ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The status of the operation.

Get Face

GET /face

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
face_id str The face ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The face record.

Get Cluster

GET /cluster

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
cluster_id str The cluster ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The cluster record.

Get Image

GET /image

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
image_id str The image ID.
token str The authentication token.


  • dict: The image record.

Get Faces

GET /faces

Parameter Type Description
tenant_id str The tenant ID.
image_id str The image ID.
skip int The number of records to skip.
limit int The maximum number of records to return.
token str The authentication token.


  • list: A list of face records.

☕ Donation

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This API provides endpoints for managing similar faces in a database. The API is built using FastAPI and PostgreSQL with PGVector for storing face embeddings.







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