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This project allows the retrieval of historical data from the blockchain programmatically, switching between a full and archive node provider when necessary.
See the full tutorial on the Chainstack blog:
This repository holds the Python version of a tool to query common state functions. Some essential functions include getting an address balance and storage at a given position, a contract bytecode, or even the whole transactions included on a given block.
This tool queries the blockchain using the web3 and inquirer libraries for Python.
git clone https://github.com/yieniggu/full-vs-archive-querys-py.git
pip install web3 inquirer
Open utils.py
in the src
directory and add your nodes RPC URLs:
# Init full and archive provider
full_node_provider = Web3(
archive_node_provider = Web3(
python main.py
- Python ^3.9.16
- A full and archive node RPC endpoints.
Deploy a full and archive node with Chainstack:
- web3.py ^5.31.3
- inquirer ^3.1.2
To install this project:
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/yieniggu/full-vs-archive-querys-py.git
Install the dependencies in the project's directory:
cd query-full-and-archive-nodes-python
pip install web3 inquirer