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REST API nested resources

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Utilities to work with REST APIs with nested resources

Main features

  • MultiKeyModel: allows to have nested resources with composite primary keys
  • EnsureModelExists: middleware to validate that a resource exists (used to ensure that a parent resource exists)
  • EnsureModelDoesNotExist: middleware to validate that the resource we want to create doesn't already exist
  • SubstituteBindings: a personalization of the Laravel's SubstituteBindings middleware to work with nested resources
  • SplitPutPatchVerbs: trait that allows the controller to split the "update" method into "modify" (PATCH) and "replace" (PUT) CRUDL methods


You can require the last version of the package using composer

composer require softonic/rest-api-nested-resources


  • MultiKeyModel
class UserCommentModel extends MultiKeyModel
     * Identifiers to be hashed and used in the real primary and foreign keys.
    protected static array $generatedIds = [
        'id_user_comment' => [
  • EnsureModelExists and EnsureModelDoesNotExist
class UserCommentController extends Controller
    protected function setMiddlewares(Request $request)
            ['only' => ['store', 'update']]

            ['only' => 'store']
  • SubstituteBindings
use App\Models\UserComment;

class UserCommentController extends Controller
    public function show(UserComment $userComment)
  • SplitPutPatchVerbs
use App\Models\UserComment;

class UserCommentController extends Controller
    use SplitPutPatchVerbs;

    public function modify(UserComment $userComment, Request $request)

    public function replace(Request $request, string $id_user, string $id_comment)


softonic/rest-api-nested-resources has a PHPUnit test suite, and a coding style compliance test suite using PHP CS Fixer.

To run the tests, run the following command from the project folder.

$ docker compose run test

To open a terminal in the dev environment:

$ docker compose run --entrypoint=bash php


The Apache 2.0 license. Please see LICENSE for more information.