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alxest committed Mar 18, 2020
1 parent 2563b4c commit 6f329db
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Showing 8 changed files with 228 additions and 187 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bound/LowerBound.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@ Section PRESERVATION.
Lemma transf_xsim_properties:
xsim_properties (sem prog) (semantics tprog) nat lt.
econs; try apply progress_top; ss; [apply lt_wf| |i; apply symb_preserved].
econs; try apply preservation_top; ss; [apply lt_wf| |i; apply symb_preserved].
econs. i.
exploit (transf_initial_states); eauto.
i. des. esplits. econs; eauto.
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions bound/UpperBound_A.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -822,6 +822,7 @@ Section PRESERVATION.
destruct frs_tgt; ss.
{ exploit match_stacks_right_nil; et. i; des. clarify. }
rename t into fr_tgt.
ii. clear SSSRC SSTGT.
destruct (classic (fr_tgt.( fr_tgt.(
(* tgt call *)
(* fsim *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1527,7 +1528,7 @@ i. des_safe. inv H0. unfold is_call_cont_strong. auto. }
exploit preservation_cp_focus; eauto. }
exploit match_stacks_focus; eauto. }
(* call state *)
- right. econs; ss; et.
- right. clear SSSRC SSTGT. econs; ss; et.
econs; cycle 1.
{ i. specialize (SAFESRC _ (star_refl _ _ _ _)). des; ss.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1595,7 +1596,7 @@ i. des_safe. inv H0. unfold is_call_cont_strong. auto. }
Theorem upperbound_a_xsim :
<<XSIM: mixed_simulation (Sem.sem prog_src) (Sem.sem prog_tgt)>>.
econs; ss; eauto. econs; try apply progress_top; ss; eauto.
econs; ss; eauto. econs; try apply preservation_top; ss; eauto.
{ eapply unit_ord_wf. }
{ econs 1.
ii. inversion INITSRC. exploit init_fsim; eauto. i; des. esplits; eauto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1624,7 +1625,7 @@ Proof.
eapply mixed_to_backward_simulation.
destruct (link_sk (ctx ++ [module cp_link])) eqn:LINKSK; cycle 1.
{ econs; et.
econs; try apply progress_top; et.
econs; try apply preservation_top; et.
{ eapply unit_ord_wf. }
{ econs; et. i. ss. inv INITSRC. clarify. }
i; des. ss. des_ifs.
Expand Down
59 changes: 32 additions & 27 deletions bound/UpperBound_B.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ Section PRESERVATION.
subst. ss. }
exploit Genv.find_funct_inversion; eauto. i; des. f_equal.
inv WTPROG. exploit CSTYLE_EXTERN; eauto. i. des_ifs. f_equal. eapply H3; eauto. }
{ inv SSSRC; ss. exploit WTKS; eauto. { ii. clarify. } esplits; ss; eauto. rr. des. des_ifs. }
{ specialize (SSSRC _ _ (star_refl _ _ _ _)). inv SSSRC; ss. exploit WTKS; eauto. { ii. clarify. } esplits; ss; eauto. rr. des. des_ifs. }
(* internal *)
++ exploit progress_step; eauto.
* inv MTCHST.
Expand All @@ -1292,36 +1292,40 @@ Section PRESERVATION.
{ inv INITTGT. }

Hypothesis INITSAFE: forall st (INIT: Smallstep.initial_state (semantics prog) st),
<<SAFE: safe (semantics prog) st>>.

Lemma transf_xsim_properties:
xsim_properties (Csem.semantics prog) (Sem.sem tprog) nat lt.
econstructor 1 with (ss_src := wt_state prog ge) (ss_tgt := top1);
ss; [| |apply lt_wf| |i; apply symb_preserved].
ii. inv INIT.
destruct (classic (exists fd, Genv.find_funct (globalenv prog) (Vptr b = Some (Internal fd))).
- eapply wt_initial_state; ss; eauto.
{ i. rr. rewrite Genv.find_def_symbol. esplits; eauto. }
{ des. ii.
destruct SKEWF.
destruct match_ge_skenv_link.
specialize (mge_defs blk). inv mge_defs.
{ ss. unfold Genv.find_def in DEF. unfold fundef, genv_genv in *. ss.
symmetry in H5. Eq. }
ss. unfold Genv.find_def in DEF. unfold fundef, genv_genv in *. ss.
symmetry in H4. Eq.
symmetry in H5. exploit DEFSYMB; eauto. i. des.
unfold Genv.find_symbol in *. rewrite mge_symb in H4. eauto. }
- ss. des_ifs.
specialize (SAFE _ (star_refl _ _ _ _)). des; inv SAFE; ss.
{ inv H4. }
{ contradict H3. inv H4; ss; des_ifs; rewrite FPTR in *; eauto.
exploit MAIN_INTERNAL; eauto.
{ econs; eauto. }
i; des. ss. des_ifs.
econstructor 1 with (xsim_ss_src := wt_state prog ge) (xsim_ss_tgt := top1);
ss; [|apply lt_wf| |i; apply symb_preserved].
- ii. hexploit INITSAFE; eauto. intro SAFE. inv INIT.
destruct (classic (exists fd, Genv.find_funct (globalenv prog) (Vptr b = Some (Internal fd))).
+ eapply wt_initial_state; ss; eauto.
{ i. rr. rewrite Genv.find_def_symbol. esplits; eauto. }
{ des. ii.
destruct SKEWF.
destruct match_ge_skenv_link.
specialize (mge_defs blk). inv mge_defs.
{ ss. unfold Genv.find_def in DEF. unfold fundef, genv_genv in *. ss.
symmetry in H5. Eq. }
ss. unfold Genv.find_def in DEF. unfold fundef, genv_genv in *. ss.
symmetry in H4. Eq.
symmetry in H5. exploit DEFSYMB; eauto. i. des.
unfold Genv.find_symbol in *. rewrite mge_symb in H4. eauto. }
+ ss. des_ifs.
specialize (SAFE _ (star_refl _ _ _ _)). des; inv SAFE; ss.
{ inv H4. }
{ contradict H3. inv H4; ss; des_ifs; rewrite FPTR in *; eauto.
exploit MAIN_INTERNAL; eauto.
{ econs; eauto. }
i; des. ss. des_ifs.
- ii. eapply preservation_prog; eauto. rewrite <- senv_same; et.
{ ii. eapply preservation_prog; eauto. rewrite <- senv_same; et. }
econs. i.
exploit (transf_initial_states); eauto.
i. des. esplits. econs; eauto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1376,6 +1380,7 @@ Proof.
+ exploit IHl; eauto.
- split; unfold link_sk, link_list in *; ss; unfold link_prog in *; des_ifs. }
rewrite T2 in H0. clarify. }
eapply improves_free_theorem; i.
eapply bsim_improves.
eapply mixed_to_backward_simulation.
inv TYPED.
Expand Down
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions common/BehaviorsC.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,57 @@ Proof.
eapply backward_to_compcert_backward_simulation; eauto.

Lemma back_propagate_ub_behav
(INITUB: behavior_improves beh0 (Goes_wrong E0)):
<<INITUB: beh0 = Goes_wrong E0>>.
rr in INITUB. des; clarify; et.
rr in INITUB0. des. unfold behavior_app in *. des_ifs. destruct t; ss.

Lemma back_propagate_ub_program
sem0 sem1
(IMPR: improves sem0 sem1)
(INITUB: program_behaves sem1 (Goes_wrong E0)):
<<INITUB: program_behaves sem0 (Goes_wrong E0)>>.
exploit IMPR; eauto. i; des.
hexploit back_propagate_ub_behav; et. i ;des. clarify.

Lemma improves_free_theorem
L1 L2
(IMPRV: forall
(INITSAFE: exists st, <<INIT: Smallstep.initial_state L1 st>>)
(INITSAFE: forall st (INIT: Smallstep.initial_state L1 st),
<<SAFE: safe L1 st>>)
improves L1 L2)
<<IMPRV: improves L1 L2>>
destruct (classic (exists st, <<INIT: Smallstep.initial_state L1 st>>)); cycle 1.
{ clear - H.
exists (Goes_wrong []). esplits; ss; eauto using behavior_improves_bot.
econs 2; eauto.
destruct (classic (forall st (INIT: Smallstep.initial_state L1 st), <<SAFE: safe L1 st>>)); cycle 1.
{ clear - H0. rename H0 into H.
exists (Goes_wrong []). esplits; ss; eauto.
- apply Classical_Pred_Type.not_all_ex_not in H. des.
apply Classical_Prop.imply_to_and in H. des.
econs 1; eauto.
clear - H0.
apply Classical_Pred_Type.not_all_ex_not in H0. des.
repeat (apply_all_once Classical_Prop.imply_to_and; des).
apply Classical_Prop.not_or_and in H1. des.
econs 4; eauto.
ii. eapply H2; eauto.
- eapply behavior_improves_bot; eauto.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion demo/mutrec/MutrecABproof.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ Proof.
eapply bsim_improves.
eapply mixed_to_backward_simulation.
econs; eauto.
econs; try apply progress_top; eauto; swap 2 3.
econs; try apply preservation_top; eauto; swap 2 3.
{ instantiate (1:= Zwf.Zwf 0%Z). eapply Zwf.Zwf_well_founded. }
{ i; des. ss. inv SAFESRC. rewrite INITSK.
exploit link_sk_same; ss. i. erewrite H. des_ifs. }
Expand Down
19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions driver/SepComp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,25 +4,6 @@ Require Import CoqlibC.
Require Import BehaviorsC LinkingC EventsC MapsC ASTC CtypesC.

Lemma back_propagate_ub_behav
(INITUB: behavior_improves beh0 (Goes_wrong E0)):
<<INITUB: beh0 = Goes_wrong E0>>.
rr in INITUB. des; clarify; et.
rr in INITUB0. des. unfold behavior_app in *. des_ifs. destruct t; ss.

Lemma back_propagate_ub_program
sem0 sem1
(IMPR: improves sem0 sem1)
(INITUB: program_behaves sem1 (Goes_wrong E0)):
<<INITUB: program_behaves sem0 (Goes_wrong E0)>>.
exploit IMPR; eauto. i; des.
hexploit back_propagate_ub_behav; et. i ;des. clarify.

Theorem separate_compilation_correct
(srcs: list Csyntax.program) (tgts: list Asm.program) builtins src_link
(TYPECHECKS: Forall (fun src => CsemC.typechecked builtins src) srcs)
Expand Down

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