Make sure you have Node package manager and Node.js installed (
After cloning the repository, navigate to ./perfect-gift/ and run:
followed by:
This starts the client-side frontend of the project.
Next, navigate to ./perfect-gift/backend/ and run:
followed by:
This starts the backend server for the project.
The FrontEnd (client-side) code is continuously deployed whenever a commit is pushed to the frontend-aws_amplify
branch via AWS amplify (
The Backend (server) code is manually deployed by uploading the zipped contents of ./perfect-gift/backend/ from the backend-aws_elastic_beanstalk
branch (do not include the node_modules folder, package-lock.json, and .gitignore) to AWS Elastic Beanstalk (
While the perfect-gift project is deployed via AWS, it can be reached at (
Our platform is also deployed via Heroku at!
It might take around 30 seconds to fully load if it has not been accessed in a while.