About • Prerequisites • Available Features • Getting Started • Contributing • Authors • License
Moviecop is an opinion sharing platform about Movies. The application is written in Ruby by using Ruby on Rails web framework.
Click here to visit the live demo of the application.
Note: The application is hosted on the free tier of Heroku and therefore the images attached will not persist after the next dyno reset. In simple words, the images that a user will upload to the live demo will disappear in 24 hours.
Moviecop comes with a very basic functionality of a social networking platform:
- A user can follow other users
- Users can upload photographs and share opinions
- The users can like the opinions of other users.
Although functionalities are limited at the moment, the application is desinged in a manner that it is scalable and any new feature can be implemented with ease.
Prior to running the application locally the user will have to make sure of the following:
- Installing Ruby
- Installing Ruby on Rails
You also need to make sure that yarn is up to date
- yarn isntall --check-files
To get started you have to clone the repo on your local machine. To clone the repo run the following command in a terminal emulator:
git clone https://github.com/smcommits/moviecop
Alternatively, you can click this link to download the repo as a zip file.
Navigate to the moviecop folder
cd moviecop
Install all the dependencies by running the following command
bundle install
Perform the database migration by using the following command
rails db:migrate
Fire up the rails server using the following command
rails s
The output will look similar to the following screenshot
Visit the url localost:xxxx in your output to run the application in your browser
👤 Anas Siddiqui
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- LinkedIn: linkedIn
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
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This project is MIT licensed.