At its heart Bauble is a framework for creating database applications. In its distributed form Bauble is an application to manage plant records and specifically living collections. It is used among others by Belize Botanic Gardens to manage their live collections. Included by default is RBG Kew's Family and Genera list from Vascular Plant Families and Genera compiled by R. K. Brummitt and published by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in 1992 used by permission from RBG Kew.
All code contained as part of the Bauble package is licenced under the GNU GPLv2+.
This file describes 'bauble.classic', a standalone application. 'bauble.classic' was formerly known just as as 'Bauble'. currently 'Bauble' is the name of an organization on github, enclosing 'bauble.classic', 'bauble.webapp' and 'bauble.api'.
the two new projects 'bauble.webapp' and 'bauble.api' are what you would fork/download if you want to participate to the development of a web-based version of 'Bauble'.
'bauble.classic' is what you would install if you want to start using 'Bauble' straight away.
The database structure of both 'bauble.classic' and the pair 'bauble.webapp/bauble.api' is similar so any data you would insert using 'bauble.classic' will be available once you install a running version of 'bauble.webapp/bauble.api'.
bauble.classic requires the following packages to run.
- Python (travis-ci checks Bauble against Python 2.6 and 2.7)
- SQLAlchemy (>= 0.6.0, at least up to 1.0.3)
- pygtk (>= 2.12, at least up to 2.24)
- PyGObject (>= 2.11.1, at least up to 2.28.6)
- lxml (>= 2.0)
each of the following database connectors is optional, but at least one is needed:
- pysqlite >= 2.3.2
- psycopg2 >= 2.0.5
- mysql-python >= 1.2.1
To use the formatter plugin you will also need to install an XSL->PDF renderer. For a free renderer check out Apache FOP (>=.92beta) at
The complete documentation for bauble.classic is to be found at It includes detailed and up-to-date installation procedures for different platforms, troubleshooting, and a very thorough user manual.
For any kind of question, you can open an issue here on github, or if you feel more comfortable with it, you can start a thread on our google group!forum/bauble