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Update FHIR submodule to use new FHIROpenServer as base class
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p2 committed Dec 1, 2015
1 parent 3dc5171 commit f25736c
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Showing 6 changed files with 44 additions and 301 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Classes/Client.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,8 +130,7 @@ public class Client

/** Stops any request currently in progress. */
public func abort() {

/** Resets state and authorization data. */
Expand Down
317 changes: 32 additions & 285 deletions Classes/Server.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,14 +21,11 @@ import Foundation
This implementation manages its own NSURLSession, either with an optional delegate provided via `sessionDelegate` or simply the shared
session. Subclasses can change this behavior by overriding `createDefaultSession` or any of the other request-related methods.
public class Server: FHIRServer
public class Server: FHIROpenServer
/// The service URL as a string, as specified during initalization to be used as `aud` parameter.
final let aud: String

/// The server's base URL.
public final let baseURL: NSURL

/// An optional name of the server; will be read from conformance statement unless manually assigned.
public final var name: String?

Expand All @@ -48,13 +45,6 @@ public class Server: FHIRServer

/// The operations the server supports, as specified in the conformance statement.
var operations: [String: OperationDefinition]?
var conformanceOperations: [ConformanceRestOperation]?

/// The active URL session.
var session: NSURLSession?

var mustAbortAuthorization = false

/// An optional NSURLSessionDelegate.
Expand All @@ -71,15 +61,10 @@ public class Server: FHIRServer
Main initializer. Makes sure the base URL ends with a "/" to facilitate URL generation later on.
public init(baseURL base: NSURL, auth: OAuth2JSON? = nil) {
public required init(baseURL base: NSURL, auth: OAuth2JSON? = nil) {
aud = base.absoluteString
if let last = base.absoluteString.characters.last where last != "/" {
baseURL = base.URLByAppendingPathComponent("/")
else {
baseURL = base
authSettings = auth
super.init(baseURL: base, auth: auth)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,73 +95,24 @@ public class Server: FHIRServer

// MARK: - Server Conformance

/// The server's conformance statement. Must be implicitly fetched using `getConformance()`
public internal(set) var conformance: Conformance? {
didSet {
if nil == name && nil != conformance?.name {
name = conformance!.name

// look at ConformanceRest entries for security and operation information
if let rests = conformance?.rest {
var best: ConformanceRest?
for rest in rests {
if nil == best {
best = rest
else if "client" == rest.mode {
best = rest

// use the "best" matching rest entry to extract the information we want
if let rest = best {
if let security = {
auth = Auth.fromConformanceSecurity(security, server: self, settings: authSettings)

// if we have not yet initialized an Auth object we'll use one for "no auth"
if nil == auth {
auth = Auth(type: .None, server: self, settings: authSettings)
logIfDebug("Server seems to be open, proceeding with none-type auth")

if let operations = rest.operation {
conformanceOperations = operations
public override func didSetConformance(conformance: Conformance) {
if nil == name && nil != {
name =

Executes a `read` action against the server's "metadata" path, as returned from `conformancePath()`, which should return the Conformance
final func getConformance(callback: (error: FHIRError?) -> ()) {
if nil != conformance {
callback(error: nil)
public override func didFindConformanceRestStatement(rest: ConformanceRest) {

// not yet fetched, fetch it
Conformance.readFrom(conformancePath(), server: self) { resource, error in
if let conf = resource as? Conformance {
self.conformance = conf
callback(error: nil)
else {
callback(error: error ?? FHIRError.Error("Conformance.readFrom() did not return a Conformance instance but \(resource)"))
// initialize Auth; if we can't find a suitable Auth we'll use one for "no auth"
if let security = {
auth = Auth.fromConformanceSecurity(security, server: self, settings: authSettings)
if nil == auth {
auth = Auth(type: .None, server: self, settings: authSettings)
logIfDebug("Server seems to be open, proceeding with none-type auth")

/** Return the relative path to the Conformance statement. This should be "metadata", we're also adding "_summary=true" to only request
the summary, not the entire statement.
public func conformancePath() -> String {
return "metadata?_summary=true"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,11 +187,24 @@ public class Server: FHIRServer

public func abort() {

func abortAuthorization() {
logIfDebug("Aborting authorization")
mustAbortAuthorization = true
if nil != auth {

Resets authorization state - including deletion of any known access and refresh tokens.
func reset() {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,209 +251,7 @@ public class Server: FHIRServer
public func register(dynreg: OAuth2DynReg, callback: ((json: OAuth2JSON?, error: ErrorType?) -> Void)) {
registerIfNeeded(dynreg, onlyIfNeeded: false, callback: callback)

// MARK: - Requests

The server can return the appropriate request handler for the type and resource combination.

Request handlers are responsible for constructing an NSURLRequest that correctly performs the desired REST interaction.

- parameter type: The type of the request (GET, PUT, POST or DELETE)
- parameter resource: The resource to be involved in the request, if any
- returns: An appropriate `FHIRServerRequestHandler`, for example a _FHIRServerJSONRequestHandler_ if sending and receiving JSON
public func handlerForRequestOfType(type: FHIRRequestType, resource: FHIRResource?) -> FHIRServerRequestHandler? {
return FHIRServerJSONRequestHandler(type, resource: resource)

This method simply creates an absolute URL from the receiver's `baseURL` and the given path.

A chance for subclasses to mess with URL generation if needed.
public func absoluteURLForPath(path: String, handler: FHIRServerRequestHandler) -> NSURL? {
return NSURL(string: path, relativeToURL: baseURL)

This method should first execute `handlerForRequestOfType()` to obtain an appropriate request handler, then execute the prepared
request against the server.

- parameter type: The type of the request (GET, PUT, POST or DELETE)
- parameter path: The relative path on the server to be interacting against
- parameter resource: The resource to be involved in the request, if any
- parameter callback: A callback, likely called asynchronously, returning a response instance
public func performRequestOfType(type: FHIRRequestType, path: String, resource: FHIRResource?, callback: ((response: FHIRServerResponse) -> Void)) {
if let handler = handlerForRequestOfType(type, resource: resource) {
performRequestAgainst(path, handler: handler, callback: callback)
else {
let res = FHIRServerRequestHandler.noneAvailableForType(type)
callback(response: res)

Method to execute a given request with a given request/response handler.

- parameter path: The path, relative to the server's base; may include URL query and URL fragment (!)
- parameter handler: The RequestHandler that prepares the request and processes the response
- parameter callback: The callback to execute; NOT guaranteed to be performed on the main thread!
public func performRequestAgainst<R: FHIRServerRequestHandler>(path: String, handler: R, callback: ((response: FHIRServerResponse) -> Void)) {
if let url = absoluteURLForPath(path, handler: handler) {
let request = auth?.signedRequest(url) ?? NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url)
do {
try handler.prepareRequest(request)
self.performPreparedRequest(request, handler: handler, callback: callback)
catch let error {
let err = (error as NSError).localizedDescription ?? "if only I knew why (\(__FILE__):\(__LINE__))"
callback(response: handler.notSent("Failed to prepare request against \(url): \(err)"))
else {
let res = handler.notSent("Failed to parse path «\(path)» relative to server base URL")
callback(response: res)

Method to execute an already prepared request and use the given request/response handler.

This implementation uses the instance's NSURLSession to execute data tasks with the requests. Subclasses can override to supply
different NSURLSessions based on the request, if so desired.

- parameter request: The URL request to perform
- parameter handler: The RequestHandler that prepares the request and processes the response
- parameter callback: The callback to execute; NOT guaranteed to be performed on the main thread!
public func performPreparedRequest<R: FHIRServerRequestHandler>(request: NSMutableURLRequest, handler: R, callback: ((response: FHIRServerResponse) -> Void)) {
performPreparedRequest(request, withSession: URLSession(), handler: handler, callback: callback)

Method to execute an already prepared request with a given session and use the given request/response handler.

- parameter request: The URL request to perform
- parameter withSession: The NSURLSession instance to use
- parameter handler: The RequestHandler that prepares the request and processes the response
- parameter callback: The callback to execute; NOT guaranteed to be performed on the main thread!
public func performPreparedRequest<R: FHIRServerRequestHandler>(request: NSMutableURLRequest, withSession session: NSURLSession, handler: R, callback: ((response: FHIRServerResponse) -> Void)) {
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
let res = handler.response(response: response, data: data, error: error)
logIfDebug("Server responded with status \(res.status)")
//let str = NSString(data: data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
callback(response: res)

logIfDebug("Performing \(handler.type.rawValue) request against \(request.URL!)")

// MARK: - Operations

func conformanceOperation(name: String) -> ConformanceRestOperation? {
if let defs = conformanceOperations {
for def in defs {
if name == {
return def
return nil

Retrieve the operation definition with the given name, either from cache or load the resource.

Once an OperationDefinition has been retrieved, it is cached into the instance's `operations` dictionary. Must be used after the
conformance statement has been fetched, i.e. after using `ready` or `getConformance`.
public func operation(name: String, callback: (OperationDefinition? -> Void)) {
if let op = operations?[name] {
else if let def = conformanceOperation(name) {
def.definition?.resolve(OperationDefinition.self) { optop in
if let op = optop {
if nil != self.operations {
self.operations![name] = op
else {
self.operations = [name: op]
else {

Performs the given Operation.

`Resource` has extensions to facilitate working with operations, be sure to take a look.

- parameter operation: The operation instance to perform
- parameter callback: The callback to call when the request ends (success or failure)
public func performOperation(operation: FHIROperation, callback: ((response: FHIRServerResponse) -> Void)) {
self.operation( { definition in
if let def = definition {
do {
try operation.validateWith(def)
try operation.perform(self, callback: callback)
catch let error {
callback(response: FHIRServerJSONResponse(error: error))
else {
callback(response: FHIRServerJSONResponse(error: FHIRError.OperationNotSupported(

// MARK: - Session Management

final public func URLSession() -> NSURLSession {
if nil == session {
session = createDefaultSession()
return session!

/** Create the server's default session. Override in subclasses to customize NSURLSession behavior. */
public func createDefaultSession() -> NSURLSession {
if let delegate = sessionDelegate {
return NSURLSession(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration(), delegate: delegate, delegateQueue: nil)
return NSURLSession.sharedSession()

func abortAuthorization() {
logIfDebug("Aborting authorization")
mustAbortAuthorization = true
if nil != auth {

func abortSession() {
if nil != session {
session = nil

public typealias FHIRBaseServer = Server


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