Python interface to the Sls Detector Software.
Sphinx built documentation is available here:
Binaries are available using conda. This installs both the detector software and the Python interface.
#Add conda channels
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels slsdetectorgroup
#Install latest version
conda install sls_detector
#Install specific version
conda install sls_detector=3.0.1
Needs sls_detector_lib installed.
#Clone source code
git clone
#Checkout the branch needed
git checkout 3.0.1
#Build and install the local version
conda-build sls_detector
conda install --use-local sls_detector
IF you if you are developing and are making constant changes to the code it's a bit cumbersome to build with conda and install. Then an easier way is to build the C/C++ parts in the package directory and temporary add this to the path
#in path/to/sls_detector
python build_ext --inplace
Then in your Python script
import sys
from sls_detector import Eiger