DMV is a project to generalize version control beyond source code and into larger files such as photos and video, and also into larger collections that might not fit on one disk. It hopes to be a cross between a version control system and a generalized distributed data store.
This repository contains the LaTeX source and other source materials for the master's thesis and other DMV publications. It also includes experiment results data.
The master's thesis PDF is checked into the repository. It is also available in the University of Tromsø's open research archive (, so you do not have to clone and compile this source.
Generated documents:
-- DMV paper for NIK 2017 (
-- The DMV master's thesisdesign-document.pdf
-- An old design document from the beginning of the projectdesign-document-2-short.pdf
-- Another old design document, this one shorter and more direct
Other files reside in subdirectories:
-- Experiment results datapaper-nik2017/
-- LaTeX source materials for NIK paperthesis-src/
-- LaTeX source materials for Master's Thesis and both design documents
Inside each separate document source directory (paper-nik2017/
, thesis-src/
is a Makefile
and a Dockerfile
. Docker sets up a build environment inside a
container and Make builds the document.
To build, run the following commands from this directory at the top of the repository.
To build the NIK paper:
docker build -t dmv-nik ./paper-nik2017/ && \
docker run --rm \
-v $(readlink -f .):/home/compile/dmv-publications \
-e UID=$(id -u) \
To build the Master's Thesis:
docker build -t dmv-thesis ./thesis-src/ && \
docker run --rm \
-v $(readlink -f .):/home/compile/dmv-publications \
-e UID=$(id -u) \
Note: A fresh installation of TeX Live is a very big install. It will take a
while to initially build the container, and the container will take up over 3 GB
of space in /var
. But once the container is created, running the LaTeX build
inside of it is quick and painless. Also, the two Dockerfiles are very similar
so they should be able to share layers and not take up 2x 3GB of space.
Experiment data files are in the data/
directory, organized into
subdirectories that start with exp--
Results actually used in the thesis:
exp--file-size--v04--w-cpu The file-size experiment
exp--num-files--v03--less-dirs The number-of-files experiment
exp--filesystem-limits--micro The directory-layout experiment
exp--rolling-hash The chunk-size experiment
The other directories are results that are not used in the thesis, from early runs and early versions of the experiment scripts. The version numbers in the file-size and num-files directories represent changes to the columns that required changes in the GNUPlot scripts.
Data files for the file-size and num-files experiments are named like
, for example:
git-2016-10-21-murphytest02.txt A Git run
hg-2016-10-19-murphytest01.txt A Mercurial run
bup-2016-10-20-murphytest04.txt A Bup run
prototype-2017-03-17-murphytest03.txt A DMV run
copy-2016-10-20-murphytest01.txt A Copy run
Note that Mercurial is referred to as "hg", and DMV is "prototype" because it did not yet have a name at the time.
Host names are the names of the four test computers, murphytest01
. Each experiment was run on each host.
The file-size runs include git files named gitallowrepoerr
. Those are later
git runs where the experiment script had been modified to let Git continue after
a commit and verification failed, since we had determined that the errors were
probably a false alarm. Those are the results used in the thesis.
The different variations of prototype
represent different versions of the
prototype. Each has a corresponding tag in the DMV code repository.
The first version that could be run in the experiments, with a directory scheme of 2 hex digits and a depth of 2, and the window-reset bug
prototype fb2f43d
The reference version, with a directory scheme of 2 hex digits and depth of 1 (hence 2x1) the window-reset bug, plus some memory usage fixes
prototype2x1mem c9baf3a 4 Kib window, window bug
Other versions with a 2x1 directory scheme, but different chunk sizes
prototype2x1chunks32kx16k b134cca 32 KiB window, window bug prototypenochunkreset a660730 4 KiB window, no window bug prototypenochunkreset32kx16k 3e599e3 32 KiB window, no window bug
Other versions that I did not have time to write up in the thesis. All had very little variation.
prototype2x1 f464604 2x1 without memory usage fix prototype2x1memcfqfilebuf bfd6f31 Using a filebuffer for reads prototype2x1membufwrite 856d3ea Using buffered writes
There are also several variations of with
appended to them. Those represent runs with the I/O scheduler switched todeadline
Names in the data/exp--filesystem-limits--micro/
directory look like this:
That represents a test file size of 4096 bytes, 2 hex digits per subdirectory,
and a depth of 1, performed March 7th 2017 on murphytest04
Only the *-murphytest04.txt
results are used in the thesis.
The files in the data/exp--rolling-hash/
directory that are used in the thesis
2017-03-20--rolling-hash.txt With window reset bug
2017-04-28--rolling-hash--no-reset.txt No window reset bug
The two with reuse-rand
in the name did not re-seed their RNG's between
trials. Looking at this confirmed that the "flat tops" of the graph were caused
by re-using the same input data, but I did not directly use them in the thesis.
The repository also includes a few generic data processing scripts.
-- Aggregates the results of the multiple runs and calculates the mean and standard deviation of specified columns across all runs -
-- Makes a new table containing the last lines of many input tables. Used to analyze the directory-layout data to examine the state when the filesystem filled up -
-- Copies output files from the experiment computers to files named incurrent-runs.txt
. Made it easier to keep track of the different multi-day experiment runs going on all four test machines at any given time.
Finally, experiment-tracker.markdown
is my own human-readable notes on what
runs where done, what were in progress, and what needed to be done.
DMV hopes to extend the distributed part of the distributed version control concept so that the actual collection/history can be distributed across several repositories, making it easy to transfer the files you need to the locations where you need them and to keep everything synchronized.
DMV was created as a master's thesis project at the University of Tromsø, Norway's Arctic University, by a student named Mike Murphy (that's me). The prototype is definitely not ready for prime time yet, but I do think I'm on to something here.
At this point the best source of documentation for the project is the master's thesis itself. An archived PDF version of the thesis is available in Munin, the University of Tromsø's open research archive (
Beyond that there are three source repositories of interest:
- DMV Source Code, the prototype source code itself.
- DMV Publications, LaTeX and other materials used to generate publication PDFs, including the master's thesis itself and presentation slides. Also includes experiment data.
- DMV Test Code, including helpers scripts used in my research and experiment/benchmark scripts.
I welcome any feedback or questions at [email protected].