e-commerce Public
an e-commerce website built using react and firebase
monday-api Public
Flask server for a telegram bot that automates attendance for Amitians
GitHubGraduation-2022 Public
Forked from github-education-resources/GitHubGraduation-2022Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 11.
covid-19-viz Public
A COVID-19 Data Visualization made using React.js and D3.js
react-snowpack-template Public
A simple react snowpack template
joomla-cms Public
Forked from joomla/joomla-cmsHome of the Joomla! Content Management System
Quotes Public
Quote Factory, an Android App that provides you awesome Quotes
Coinbase-OAuth2 Public
A simple project which demonstrates the usage of Coinbase OAuth2 API
summarize-me-gcp Public
Summarize is a fast and powerful application that reduces a long, archived video into a short, manageable summary.
Good-Vibes-Only Public
Forked from MLH-Fellowship/Good-Vibes-Only😍 find the good vibes @
sugarizer Public
Forked from llaske/sugarizerSugarizer is a web implementation of the Sugar platform to run on any device or browser
autoflow Public
Forked from MLH-Fellowship/autoflowA CLI that will automate your project builds and repository initiations for you
Flyrics Public
Forked from AhadKhan98/FlyricsGenerate lyrics for songs using AI and ML!