Our webpack build system for developing react projects.
Copy the default.json
file into your empty directory and rename it package.json
. Afterward run npm run setup
. Once that has completed run npm run dev
for development and npm run prod
for a production build.
When running npm run dev
use the url
When running npm run prod
the files will be built to /app
Javascript is linted, parsed and converted allowing to write cutting edge react & es6.
Scss, css, sass is linted, parsed and converted.
Flag | Effect |
server | Tells the build to start a server |
source | Tells the build to generate source-maps |
clear | Clears out the build folder |
minify | Minifies the output file/s |
concat | Concats the output files |
test | Runs all tests |
unit | Runs the unit tests |
offline | Build service workers and manifests for offline use |
sourcemaps | Builds sourcemaps for all compiled javascript files |
integration | Runs the integration tests |
watch | Watch files and run changes |
full | Clear build folder and run complete build |
ignore | Keep building even if errors are found |
In order to install skedge-pack for programmatic use run npm install --save skedgeme/skedge-pack
const spack = require('skedge-pack');
or a very minimalist build approach