NB: original code was under svn at https://auriol.medialab.sissa.it/svn/misc/yakunin-project/with-script
A compilation script for wj journals.
Yakunin should receive the submitted archives (tar.gz, zip, but also simple tex or pdf files) and perform the required task.
Possible tasks are:
- find the tex master file in the archive
- compile and produce a pdf
- watermark
- do pitstop validation
- do PDF/A transformation
Usually the result is a tar.gz archive, saved on the file system. This archive contains the compiled pdf, the original archive and the intermediate files (aux, etc.).
Anotherd archive for use by the typesetter can also be present.
pip install yakunin
yakunin -h
yakunin --verify-env
To run the docker image locally
# login (if not already logged-in[*])
docker login gitlab.sissamedialab.it
# get the image
docker pull registry.gitlab.sissamedialab.it/wjs/yakunin-project/yakunin:latest
# run a container form the image
docker run --name yakunin --rm -p 1235:8889 registry.gitlab.sissamedialab.it/wjs/yakunin-project/yakunin:latest
[*] See here for details.
At the moment, tests are kept outside of the yakunin, package For a different approach, see https://python-packaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/testing.html
yakunin watermark --text CIAONE -x 10 -y 500 tests/test-files/01-test.tex
import yakunin
archive = yakunin.Archive(archive=file_path)
targz_with_processed_files = archive.submission_archive()
Start a container (see above) and send your file to the appropriate handler:
curl -F [email protected] http://localhost:1235/mkpdf -o x.tar.gz