This Project tries to deliver a simple, but fail-safe 403Mhz-Remote-Outlet Plugin for HomeBridge on a Raspberry Pi. It needs a (inexpensive) 403Mhz-Transmitter connected to a pin of the Rasperry Pi.
Just install the NPM Plugin Globally
npm install -g homebridge-simple-remote-outlet
Just configure the config.json as usual, the following paramteres are supported:
"accessory" : "SimpleRemoteOutlet",
"unitcode" : 1, // The Unitcode of the Remote Outlet
"name" : "Desk Light", // The Name which should be displayed in HomeKit
"pin" : 0, // The GPIO Pin where the 403Mhz-Transmitter is connected to the Pi
"systemcode" : "10000", // The Systemcode of the Remote Outlets
"onState" : false // Should it be assumed that the device is on at homebridge startup?
"type": "Lightbulb" // The HomeKit-Type; To display it as a light(bulb) choose "Lightbulb", a
// general "Switch" is also supported.
- improve TypeScript Typings
- improve code readability
- migrate to a platform instead of a single accessory
- support 'Outlet' HomeKit-Accessory