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REST API design with ASP.NET Core WebAPI🥇

This project is an example of lightweight and extensible infrastructure for building RESTful Web API with ASP.NET Core.

Testing it out📢

1.Clone or download this repository

2.Build the solution using command line with dotnet build

3.Go to Shopping.api directory and run project using command line with dotnet run

4.Browse to this url https://localhost:44302/swagger to see SwaggerUI page

Techniques and Features🧵

. JWT Authentication

. Code First

. Using HttpsPolicy

. Using Logging

. Standard API Resulting

. Dependency Injection

. Using Autofac

. Using Swagger (Swashbuckle)

. Using Dapper

Please give me a star⭐

If you like this project,Thanks ❤

Communication with the developer📭

Any suggestions, criticisms, comments and questions you can contact Sina Riyahi Telegram account @Sina_Riyahi


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