tested modules are marked by the check marks. All classes could be used directly once the header module is imported, please check the code examples.
- Hamiltonian
- kinetic_energy
- asymmetrical_double_well
- Lennard_Jones
- SHO_interactions ( Simple Harmonic Oscillator )
- SHO_potential
- Langevin (Molecular Dynamics, Langevin simulator )
- momentum_sampler
- leap_frog
- position_verlet
- velocity_verlet
- leap_frog_ML
- position_verlet_ML
- velocity_verlet_ML
- temp
- kinetic_energy
- plot_stat
- SHNN_trainer
- MLP2H_Separable_Hamil_LF ( pytorch NN models / Leap Frog)
- MLP2H_Separable_Hamil_VV ( pytorch NN models / Velocity Verlet)
- MLP2H_Separable_Hamil_PV ( pytorch NN models / Position Verlet)
- qp_MSE_loss
- phase_space
All initialization data for MD / NN trainer should be stored at ./Langevin_Machine_Learning/init folder, using the phase space class ( look at code example MCMC ) and all the states to be used for ML integrator should be stored at ./Langevin_Machine_Learning/Integrator/states folder according to the naming convention (eg. 'LF_state_best.pth' for Leapfrog). Moreover T999 is just a dummy value in init, to indicate a mix of temperature from 1 - 10 used for test dataset. It is used to compare the performance between ML and non-ML.
Secondly, to view the plot of training loss/ validation loss and hamiltonian, by using backend tensorboard by pytorch, input following command in the terminal :
$ tensorboard --logdir==runs
By default, all the data is stored in the runs folder which has the same path to the Langevin_Machine_Learning folder.
Full documentation could be found by using python help()
function on the enquired class
- Using Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) Integrator and Momentum Sampler
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.hamiltonian as Hamiltonian
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.Integrator as Integrator
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.utils as confStat
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.phase_space as phase_space
energy = Hamiltonian.Hamiltonian() # energy model container
configuration = {
'kB' : 1.0, # put as a constant
'Temperature' : 1.0,
'DIM' : 1,
'm' : 1,
'N' : 1,
'hamiltonian' : energy,
integration_setting = {
'iterations' : 2500,
'DumpFreq' : 1,
'dq' : 1.0,
configuration.update(integration_setting) # combine the 2 dictionaries
MSMC_integrator = Integrator.MSMC(**configuration)
q_hist = MSMC_integrator.integrate()
# total samples used in momentum sampler is iterations / dumpfreq as they are usually used together
Momentum_sampler = Integrator.momentum_sampler(**configuration)
p_hist = Momentum_sampler.integrate()
confStat.plot_stat(q_hist, p_hist, 'q_dist', **configuration)
DIM = q_hist.shape[-1] # flatten the q_hist of samples x N X DIM to a phase space
q_list = q_hist.reshape(-1,DIM)
p_list = p_hist.reshape(-1,DIM)
phase_space = phase_space.phase_space() # wrapper of phase space class
phase_space.write(filename = ./PATH TO INIT FOLDER/phase_space_N2500_T1_DIM1.npy)
#the folder init could be used for next NN / MD initialization, check the convention of name saving
- Using MD Langevin Simulator ( NVT Ensemble / NVE Ensemble if gamma = 0 )
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.hamiltonian as Hamiltonian
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.Integrator as Integrator
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.Integrator.methods as methods
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.utils as confStat # configuration statistics
energy = Hamiltonian.Hamiltonian()
energy.append(Hamiltonian.Lennard_Jones(epsilon = 1, sigma = 1)) # arbitrary constants
energy.append(Hamiltonian.kinetic_energy(mass = 1))
configuration = {
'kB' : 1.0, # put as a constant
'Temperature' : 1.0, # desired temperature for NVT Ensemble
'DIM' : 1,
'm' : 1,
'N' : 100,
'hamiltonian' : energy,
'periodicity' : True, # only periodic boundary condition is applied here
'BoxSize' : 10,
integration_setting = {
'iterations' : 500,
'DumpFreq' : 1,
'gamma' : 0, # gamma 0 turns off the Langevin heat bath, setting it to NVE Ensemble
'time_step' : 0.01,
'integrator_method' : methods.position_verlet, #method class to be passed
MD_integrator = Integrator.Langevin(**configuration)
#only load for initial condition Temperature = 1.0
MD_integrator.set_phase_space(samples = 100)
#update configuration after loading
configuration = MD_integrator.get_configuration()
q_hist, p_hist = MD_integrator.integrate()
confStat.plot_stat(q_hist, p_hist, 'q_dist',**configuration)
#plot the statistic of q distribution based on current state configuration
#to save the current phase space to continue as a checkpoint
MD_integrator.save_phase_space() # by default, it is in init file
- Using Stacked NN trainer
from Langevin_Machine_Learning.HNN.loss import qp_MSE_loss
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.HNN as HNN
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.hamiltonian as Hamiltonian
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.Integrator.methods as methods
import torch.optim as optim
energy = Hamiltonian.Hamiltonian() # base constructor container
energy.append(Hamiltonian.kinetic_energy(mass = 1))
configuration = {
'kB' : 1.0, # put as a constant
'Temperature' : 1.0,
'DIM' : 1,
'm' : 1,
'hamiltonian' : energy,
#Generate dataset ground truth, turn off Langevin drag coefficient
integration_setting = {
'iterations' : 500,
'DumpFreq' : 1,
'gamma' : 0, # turn off Langevin heat bath
'time_step' : 0.001,
'integrator_method' : methods.position_verlet
model = HNN.MLP2H_Separable_Hamil_PV(2, 20)
loss = qp_MSE_loss
lr = 1e-3
NN_trainer_setting = {
'optim' : optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = lr),
'model' : model,
'loss' : loss,
'epoch' : 500,
'batch_size' : 32,
Dataset_setting = {
'Temperature_List' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
'sample' : 2500, # samples per temperature
SHNN = HNN.SHNN_trainer(level = 2, folder_name = 'PV_Hidden20_Batch32', **configuration)