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This repository contains codes to test various Langevin equations integrator, Lennard Jones Model with the visualization of the particle as well as Machine Learning Code for large time-step

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Langevin Machine Learning




Available Modules

tested modules are marked by the check marks. All classes could be used directly once the header module is imported, please check the code examples.


  • Hamiltonian
  • kinetic_energy
  • asymmetrical_double_well
  • Lennard_Jones
  • SHO_interactions ( Simple Harmonic Oscillator )
  • SHO_potential


  • Langevin (Molecular Dynamics, Langevin simulator )
  • MCMC
  • momentum_sampler


  • leap_frog
  • position_verlet
  • velocity_verlet
  • leap_frog_ML
  • position_verlet_ML
  • velocity_verlet_ML


  • temp
  • kinetic_energy
  • plot_stat


  • SHNN_trainer
  • MLP2H_Separable_Hamil_LF ( pytorch NN models / Leap Frog)
  • MLP2H_Separable_Hamil_VV ( pytorch NN models / Velocity Verlet)
  • MLP2H_Separable_Hamil_PV ( pytorch NN models / Position Verlet)


  • qp_MSE_loss


  • phase_space

Directions to use

All initialization data for MD / NN trainer should be stored at ./Langevin_Machine_Learning/init folder, using the phase space class ( look at code example MCMC ) and all the states to be used for ML integrator should be stored at ./Langevin_Machine_Learning/Integrator/states folder according to the naming convention (eg. 'LF_state_best.pth' for Leapfrog). Moreover T999 is just a dummy value in init, to indicate a mix of temperature from 1 - 10 used for test dataset. It is used to compare the performance between ML and non-ML.

Secondly, to view the plot of training loss/ validation loss and hamiltonian, by using backend tensorboard by pytorch, input following command in the terminal :

$ tensorboard --logdir==runs

By default, all the data is stored in the runs folder which has the same path to the Langevin_Machine_Learning folder.

code example

Full documentation could be found by using python help() function on the enquired class

  1. Using Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) Integrator and Momentum Sampler
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.hamiltonian as Hamiltonian
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.Integrator as Integrator
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.utils as confStat
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.phase_space as phase_space 

energy = Hamiltonian.Hamiltonian() # energy model container

configuration = {
    'kB' : 1.0, # put as a constant 
    'Temperature' : 1.0, 
    'DIM' : 1,
    'm' : 1,
    'N' : 1,
    'hamiltonian' : energy,

integration_setting = {
    'iterations' : 2500,
    'DumpFreq' : 1,
    'dq' : 1.0,

configuration.update(integration_setting) # combine the 2 dictionaries

MSMC_integrator = Integrator.MSMC(**configuration)
q_hist = MSMC_integrator.integrate()

# total samples used in momentum sampler is iterations / dumpfreq as they are usually used together 
Momentum_sampler = Integrator.momentum_sampler(**configuration)
p_hist = Momentum_sampler.integrate()
confStat.plot_stat(q_hist, p_hist, 'q_dist', **configuration)

DIM = q_hist.shape[-1] # flatten the q_hist of samples x N X DIM to a phase space
q_list = q_hist.reshape(-1,DIM)
p_list = p_hist.reshape(-1,DIM)
phase_space = phase_space.phase_space() # wrapper of phase space class
phase_space.write(filename = ./PATH TO INIT FOLDER/phase_space_N2500_T1_DIM1.npy) 
#the folder init could be used for next NN / MD initialization, check the convention of name saving
  1. Using MD Langevin Simulator ( NVT Ensemble / NVE Ensemble if gamma = 0 )
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.hamiltonian as Hamiltonian
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.Integrator as Integrator
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.Integrator.methods as methods 
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.utils as confStat # configuration statistics

energy = Hamiltonian.Hamiltonian()
energy.append(Hamiltonian.Lennard_Jones(epsilon = 1, sigma = 1)) # arbitrary constants
energy.append(Hamiltonian.kinetic_energy(mass = 1))

configuration = {
    'kB' : 1.0, # put as a constant 
    'Temperature' : 1.0, # desired temperature for NVT Ensemble
    'DIM' : 1,
    'm' : 1,
    'N' : 100,
    'hamiltonian' : energy,
    'periodicity' : True, # only periodic boundary condition is applied here 
    'BoxSize' : 10, 

integration_setting = {
    'iterations' : 500,
    'DumpFreq' : 1,
    'gamma' : 0, # gamma 0 turns off the Langevin heat bath, setting it to NVE Ensemble
    'time_step' : 0.01,
    'integrator_method' : methods.position_verlet, #method class to be passed

MD_integrator = Integrator.Langevin(**configuration)
#only load for initial condition Temperature = 1.0
MD_integrator.set_phase_space(samples = 100)
#update configuration after loading
configuration = MD_integrator.get_configuration()
q_hist, p_hist = MD_integrator.integrate() 
confStat.plot_stat(q_hist, p_hist, 'q_dist',**configuration) 
#plot the statistic of q distribution based on current state configuration

#to save the current phase space to continue as a checkpoint
MD_integrator.save_phase_space() # by default, it is in init file
  1. Using Stacked NN trainer
from Langevin_Machine_Learning.HNN.loss import qp_MSE_loss  
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.HNN as HNN
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.hamiltonian as Hamiltonian
import Langevin_Machine_Learning.Integrator.methods as methods 
import torch.optim as optim 

energy = Hamiltonian.Hamiltonian() # base constructor container
energy.append(Hamiltonian.kinetic_energy(mass = 1))

configuration = {
    'kB' : 1.0, # put as a constant 
    'Temperature' : 1.0, 
    'DIM' : 1,
    'm' : 1,
    'hamiltonian' : energy,

#Generate dataset ground truth, turn off Langevin drag coefficient
integration_setting = {
    'iterations' : 500,
    'DumpFreq' : 1,
    'gamma' : 0, # turn off Langevin heat bath
    'time_step' : 0.001,
    'integrator_method' : methods.position_verlet
model = HNN.MLP2H_Separable_Hamil_PV(2, 20)
loss = qp_MSE_loss

lr = 1e-3
NN_trainer_setting = {
    'optim' : optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = lr),
    'model' : model,
    'loss' : loss,
    'epoch' : 500, 
    'batch_size' : 32,

Dataset_setting = {
    'Temperature_List' : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
    'sample' : 2500, # samples per temperature


SHNN = HNN.SHNN_trainer(level = 2, folder_name = 'PV_Hidden20_Batch32', **configuration)


This repository contains codes to test various Langevin equations integrator, Lennard Jones Model with the visualization of the particle as well as Machine Learning Code for large time-step






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