C.Rosemann, Y. Voutsinas, F .Gaede, DESY, June, 2015
A brief introduction can be found in ./doc/description/description.pdf ( after running: cd ./doc/description ; make ).
F. Gaede
- replaced GSL with Eigen for Vector5 and fiveByfiveMatrix
- needs Eigen Headers to be installed
- removed simpleFitter for now (depends on GSL and is used nowehre)
F. Gaede
- added set/getMass() methods to trajectory
- removed default pion mass in
- computeQMS()
- computeEnergyLoss() mass has to be explicetly provided as argument
- made compatible with c++11
- removed -ansi -pedantic -Wno-long-long
- fixed narrowing in initializer lists
- many changes, fixes and updates (for details, see svn -v log )
added material_ntuples.cpp to create ntuple with material properties from model and surfaces
drawx0.C makes comparison plots for x0
fixed scattering matrices (setting off diagonal elements to 0.)
implmented cone intersection using a newtonian method
added optional use of streamlog
adapted lcio_tracks.cpp to (re)fit tracks including material effects
fixed some compiler warnings
fixed geometry initialization for examples ( added IGeometry& instance(const std::string& initString ) )
added example material_effects/check_materials.cpp
cleaned up trajectory class ( documentation, code,...)
- fixed issue w/ energy loss for jacobian
- removed unneeded members and methods
- surface intersections, bfield,...
fixed issue w/ calculation of curvilinear coordinate system (use s==0.)
pulls for central muons are now as good as w/ DDKalTest
finished first implementation of taking energy loss into account for initial track parameters:
- trajectorElements now hold a track state that is valid until the next element
- track states are computed in addMeasurment/addScatterer
- implemented pointAt/tangentAt for trajectory with many track parameters
moved energy loss calculation to materialutils.cc
updated examples to using IGeometry instead of DD4hepGeometry
some code cleanup ...
cleaned up geometry interface:
- made IGeometry a singleton
- implemented access to B field map
- added doxygen documentation
added materialUtils.hh
- computeQMS ( needs debugging )
added a track state to trajectoryElement
restrucured code base:
- renamed helixGymnastics.hh to helixUtil.hh
- removed helixHelpers.hh -> combine all helix relates utilitiy functions in helixUtil.hh -> combine fitting releated helper functions in utilities.hh
- documented helix functions
- created second version taking only Vector5 and Vector3D as arguments to have less overhead when used outside aidaTT
- cleaned up definition of track parameterization -> access functions defined in trackParameterizationLCIO.hh
- moved Vector3D, Vector5 and fiveByfiveMatrix to core
- renamed helpers to util
added implementations of Vector5 and fiveByFiveMatrix using the Eigen library for later use ...
bug fix for intersection calculation w/ cylinders:
- return solution w/ positive s if both solutions are ~equal
bug fix for calculation of phi from x,y:
- take abs(dphi) to be less than M_PI
added code to treat 1D measurements (commented out for now)
write out Millipede-2 file for debugging in GBLInterface
restrict intersections to first half arc of the track
calculate only intersections with positive s and sort list
fix calculation of qms
changed IFittingAlgorithm, GBLInterface and trajectory to be able to return more than one result (at different sites) for the fit
calculating energy loss only in surfaces that are considered scatterers
correction in the calculation of particle's energy
first implementation of energy loss - still needs some debugging & testing
modify trajectoryElement as to obtain an element that isn't a scatterer or a measurement, use IP as such an element and add it to the trajectory
re-implement seeding and iterative fitting in the example, removing some not necessary debugging output
modifying function intersectsWithinZCylinderBounds in order to return both solutions and not only the closest one
correcting the sign in the calculation of qop
fixing a bug in the calculation of the first's element arc-length & modify the lcio_tracks example in order to cope with TPC tracks
crosschecking the system's transformations
unitTests/finalTrackTest.cc adding test to check the creation of an lcio track from an aida track
adding test of covariance matrix in initial track parameters test
test for comparing the trajectory cov. mat with the one that is written out to lcio track
fixed major memory leak in Vector5 and fiveByFiveMatrix ( unneeded alloc in assignment operator)
made c'tors and accessors in Vector5 and fiveByFiveMatrix more efficient by removing unneeded range checks and initializations
- adding test for functions calculateCurvature & calculateLambda
- correcting transformation from perigee to L3
C. Rosemann:
- first release:
- implementation of GBL fitting using a DD4hep model that provides DDRec::Surfaces
- implementation of multiple scattering still under validation.