A dynamic spreadsheet created with React.js.
- npm install
- npm run
- components folder: All React components devided between Header ("Add column" button, "Add 10 rows" button) and the Spreadsheet
- helpers folder: Various helpers methods can be found here
- api/spreadsheet.js: Future handler to interact with the backend. Is the intermediate between the components and the Redux store
- state folder: contains the redux action, reducer and store
- style folder: css for the components
- Create React App used to create the project with no build configuration
- Redux used to manage the state of the project and to simulate the backend
- Prop types Runtime type checking for React props
- The row validation message is displayed for the current action. If other action takes place, it is overwritten by a new messages even if the error was not corrected by the user. Design a better system to display these warnings.
- Unit tests
- CI and Linters
- Improve UX
- Persist the data
- The user should add as many options to the dropdown column as desired
- Allowed more interactions with the columns (Delete, Edit all the proprierties etc.)