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Revolver, an AWS powercycle facility and more


Shutting AWS resources down when they are not in use is the first cost-saving exercise you should be thinking of.

The most commonly used pattern is tagging your resources with some sort of schedule and having a script run regularly parsing the tags and powercycling the resources.

Revolver does exactly that.


  • is run in AWS Lambda, send log in Cloudwatch Logs
  • is controlled by a YAML config file in S3 and a handful of environment variables
  • supports IAM cross-account access, so you can use one Lambda function to control multiple accounts
  • is fully asynchronous, which gives it a better performance
  • has a responsibilty separation between drivers that directly operate the resources and plugins that work out what needs to be done with a resource, which gives Revolver an amazing extensibility potential

Apart from powercycling resources Revolver can validate that required tags are set on AWS resources and their values match a regular expression.


Revolver currently supports the following AWS resources:

  • EC2 instances including those run in Autoscaling, Revolver will pause the ASG prior to shutting down instances
  • EBS volumes. Revolver will tag these resources. Revolver can get the tags from the parent instance/volume.
  • Snapshots. Revolver will tag these resources. Revolver can get the tags from the parent instance/volume.
  • RDS single instances, Revolver will use the native start/stop feature
  • RDS multi-az instances, Revolver will use the native start/stop feature
  • RDS Clusters, Revolver will use the native start/stop feature

Revolver does not support RDS instances with read replicas, as it is very difficult to ensure integrity for such configurations



Revolver is packaged as an AWS Lambda function and is triggered by a Cloudwatch Event.

This repository only contains the Revolver code and no deployment mechanisms. To prepare it for deploying you should use npm run build and npm run bundle commands to build the code and create a zip file. suitable for deployment in AWS Lambda.

You are free to choose your own deployment mechanism. We use CDK to deploy Revolver.


Revolver reads some of the low-level configuration from environment variables and the rest from a YAML file in S3.

Environment variables

Variable Description Default
S3_BUCKET S3 bucket where the config file is stored -
S3_KEY S3 key of the config file -
LOG_LEVEL Log level debug
LOG_FORMAT Log format pretty
STYLE_PRETTY_LOGS Defines whether logs should be styled and colorized true
PRETTY_LOG_TIME_ZONE Set timezone of pretty log messages to either UTC (default) or local (based on your server/browser configuration) -

In addition to that you can use:

  • CONFIG_FILE to run Revolver with a local config file instead of the one in S3, this is implemented for debugging purposes
  • SDK_BASE_BACKOFF and SDK_MAX_RETRIES to control the AWS SDK retry behavior, see AWS SDK documentation for details

Config file

Main Revolver configuration is done in YAML. First line in the config file must be --- as per YAML specification.

  1. Section defaults defines default behavior for all accounts. Settings in this section can be overriden in the accounts section
Option name Description Default
region Specifies the default AWS region -
timezone Specifies the default time zone utc
timezoneTag Revolver will read this tag on individual resources to override account-wide timezone Timezone
organizationRoleName Role to be assumed on the main account from organizations to get the accounts list from it. Set to none to disable for offline testing. -
revolverRoleName Revolver role name to be assumed on each client account. Set to none to disable for offline testing. -
resourceLog Output discovered resources to file or console. Accepts a map of enabled resource log types.
>json requires a field file and will write a complete JSON of all discovered resources with all fields.
>csv requires field file and will write a CSV of discovered resources with a much smaller field set.
>console will write output similar to the CSV but in the logger.
Both csv and console support the optional field reportTags as an array of resource tags to report in the output
auditLog Configure an audit log of actions performed on resources. auditLog accepts a map of enabled audit types. These include
> console to print a log to the logger, no configuration accepted
> csv to write an audit log to a csv. Configuration for csv requires file field specifying the output file and an optional boolean append field to instead append to the file rather than overwriting.
localResourcesFile Read resources from a JSON file generated by resourceLog.json. Good for offline testing of configuration. -
excludeResources Filter to match resources that should be completely excluded from processing (see Filter]) -
drivers List of enabled drivers and their options (see Drivers) -
plugins List of enabled plugins with their options (see Plugins) -
Example `defaults` section:

  region: ap-southeast-2
  timezone: Australia/Melbourne
  timezoneTag: Timezone
  organizationRoleNme: AWSOrganizationsReadOnly
  revolverRoleName: ssPowerCycle
      file: resources.json
      reportTags: ["Name", "Schedule"]
      file: resources.csv
      reportTags: ["Name", "Schedule"]
      file: "audit.csv"
      append: true
    - name: ec2
      active: true
      pretend: false
    - name: rdsInstance
      active: true
      pretend: false
    - name: rdsCluster
      active: true
      pretend: false
  1. Section organizations specifies per-organization options overriding the defaults from the defaults section. You can override default settings on a per-organization basis, including region. You can also specify a list of drivers to be used for each organization.

    Leave as empty array if not being used

    organizations: []

    Example organization configuration:

      - account_id: "000000000000"
          name: Innablr
          revolver_role_name: ssPowerCycle
          organization_role_name: AWSOrganizationsReadOnly
          - name: ec2
            pretend: false
  2. Section accounts have two lists:

    • in the include_list you can specify a list of accounts to be included in the run. If AWS Organisation is configured, these accounts will be added to the list of accounts from the organization. If AWS Organisation is not configured, only these accounts will be processed.
    • accounts specified in the exclude_list will be excluded from processing, this takes the highest priority.

    Under every account in the include_list you can specify account-specific settings, drivers and plugins. These settings will override the defaults from the defaults section.

    Example account configuration:

        - account_id: "000000000000"
            name: radix-dev
            timezone: Australia/Melbourne
            - name: powercycle
              tagging: strict
              availabilityTag: Schedule
            - name: validateTags
              tag: CostCentre
        - account_id: "111111111111"
            name: helix-dev
            timezone: Europe/Dublin
            timezoneTag: TZ
              active: true
                - tagging: strict
                  availabilityTag: Schedule
              active: true
                  tag: Name
                    - warn

    Supported options are the same as defaults


Drivers define how to operate a particular type of AWS resource, how to stop or start it or set a tag.

drivers section in the config file is a list of dicts, every dict represents an instance of a driver. Attribute name is the name of the driver.

All drivers support the following options:

Option Description Allowed values Default
active Whether the driver is active true or false true
pretend Prevents the driver from actually performing the actions. Good for debugging true or false true

Supported drivers:

Driver Description
ec2 AWS EC2 instances and autoscaling groups
ebs EBS volumes
snapshot EBS snapshots
rdsInstance RDS instances
rdsCluster RDS Aurora clusters


Plugins define what needs to be done on AWS resources. Some plugins support only some types of AWS resources but not the others.

For every AWS resource plugins will be executed in the order they are listed in the config file. Plugins that run earlier will have the priority on the state-changing actions. For example if validateTags wants to shut an EC2 instance down and at the same time the powercycle plugin wants to start it, the plugin that is listed first wins.

plugins section in the config file is a dict where keys are plugin names. Every plugin can have a list of configs, every config is a dict with plugin-specific options.

powercycle plugin

Starts AWS resources in the worktime and stops them after hours based on their tagging. Supports pluggable tagging formats.

Option Description Allowed values Default
tagging Defines tagging format. See below strict strict
availabilityTag Name of the tag that contains the schedule AWS tag name Schedule

When an operation is performed on a resource a tag with a name ReasonSchedule (Schedule is replaced with the actual name of the schedule tag) will be set explaining the reason.

When the schedule tag is missing or unreadable a tag with a name WarningSchedule (Schedule is replaced with the actual name of the schedule tag) will be set with a warning text.

Powercycle respects the account-wide timezone specification as well as individual timezone tags on resources (see defaults and accounts).

    active: true
      - tagging: strict
        availabilityTag: Schedule

Powercycle plugin supports the following tagging standards:


Schedule is set as a string like Start=8:00|mon-fri;Stop=16:30|mon-fri;Override=Off. Start= specifies the startup time, Stop= is the stop time, both in 24h format.

Days are separated by the pipe symbol, must be a full range (mon or -fri is not supported) and can be either appended to Start or Stop but only the first seen definition will be used (Start=x|mon-fri;Stop=y|tue-thu will result in mon-fri).

If Start= or Stop= is omitted, the resource will be only brought up or down within 15 min range of the specified time. Useful for making sure that resources are always shut down in the end of the day but only brought up on-demand: Stop=18:00|mon-fri.

Override=On/Off is optional, if set to Override=On resource will be ignored by the plugin.

There is also special values for the schedule tag:

  • 24x7 - resource will be always up. If you stop it manually Revolver will attempt to bring it up
  • 24x5 - resource will be always up except for Saturday and Sunday
  • 0x7 - resource will be always down. If you manually start it Revolver will bring it down

For RDS | and ; must be replaces with _ and '/' respectively as RDS does not support these characters in tags: Start=08:00_mon-sat/Stop=17:55/Override=off.

validateTags plugin

This plugin will validate that a certain tag exist on AWS resources and optionally match the provided regular expression. If the tag is missing or does not match, the resource can be optionally shut down or set a warning tag or set the tag with a specified default value, or any combination of these actions.

Option Description Allowed values Default
tag Name of the tag to validate AWS tag name -
match JS-compatible regular expression to match the value against (optional) JS regex -
tagMissing List of actions to perform on the resource if the tag is missing warn,stop,copyFromParent,setDefault -
tagNotMatch List of actions to perform on the resource if the tag does not match the regex in match warn,stop,copyFromParent,setDefault -
onlyResourceTypes List of resource types to apply the plugin to. If not specified, the plugin will be applied to all resource types ec2,ebs,snapshot,rdsInstance,rdsCluster -
excludeResourceTypes List of resource types to exclude from the plugin. If not specified, the plugin will be applied to all resource types ec2,ebs,snapshot,rdsInstance,rdsCluster -
      active: true
          tag: Name
            - copyFromParent
            - ebs
            - snapshot
          tagNotMatch: []
          tag: Name
            - warn
            - ebs
            - snapshot
          tagNotMatch: []
          tag: Schedule
            - setDefault: 24x7
            - ec2
            - rdsInstance
            - rdsCluster
          tagNotMatch: []

powercycleCentral plugin

Incompatible with the powercycle plugin, do not run both at the same time.

Controls the power cycle of resources matching configured filters within the configuration. Matchers are added in the configuration that specify a generic filter to match specific resources and what power schedule those resources should be on. Resources won't be tagged.

If multiple matches filter the same resource, the matcher with the highest priority will be applied (largest number).

Plugin config
Option Description Allowed values Default
parser Set schedule interpretation format strict strict
availabilityTag Set tag name for individual resource schedules string AWS tag name Schedule
availabilityTagPriority Priority to set individually tagged schedules compared to the matchers. number >= 0 0
matchers List of resource filters paired with a schedule to control power behaviour Matcher[] See Matcher []
Option Description Allowed values Default
name Name of the matcher, used in logging string -
filter Filter configuration to specify which resources this schedule will apply to Filter. See Filter section -
schedule Resource power schedule, based on the format specified in plugin.parser string, See strict schedules -
priority How to rank this matcher against others, highest number is highest priority number >= 0 0

Filters specify a set of criteria for a resource to match against. They are comprised of several filter objects than can be joined together with AND or OR operations. Filters can be specified as objects or as string arrays, utilizing the [shorthand string format](######Shorthand Format) if the filter has more than one parameter.

  • String values for filters can be put in an array to imply an OR operation over them. e.g. the following filters are equivalent
        - region: 'ap-southeast-1'
        - region: 'ap-southeast-2'
        - region: 'us-east-1'
      region: ['ap-southeast-1', 'ap-southeast-2', 'us-east-1']
  • If the top level value is an array, an implicit AND is applied over all filters in the array. e.g. the following filters are equivalent
        - region: 'us-east-1'
        - accountId: '123456789012'
      - region: 'us-east-1'
      - accountId: '123456789012'
Available Filters
Filter Name Value Example Description
id string id: 'i-0123456789abcdef' Matches resource ID
state string state: 'running' Matches resource state
tag object { name string, [option]: string } { name: 'TagName', equals: 'TagValue' } Matches resource tag name
type string type: 'ec2' Matches resource type, specifically the Revolver driver name
region string region: 'ap-southeast-2' Matches resource region
accountId string accountId: '123456789012' Matches resource accountId
resource object { path string, [option]: string } { path: 'jmes.path', equals: 'pathValue' } Matches extra resource properties, specific to the resource type.path is a jmespath,
and Filter[] - Matches when all the filters within it match
or Filter[] - Matches when any of the filters within match
not Filter - Matches when the filter within doesn't match
bool true or false true Matches when set to true, doesn't match otherwise
Options for string compare

Filters with string values can be set to compare strings with different options enabled. If unspecified, the default option will be equals. For object style filters, options are set as fields on the object. Only one option will be applied. For string style filters, see [Shorthand format](######Shorthand Format).

Option values:

  • equals: Match the value exactly, case-sensitive
  • iequals: Match the value case insensitively
  • contains: Match if contained within the value, case-insensitive
  • startswith: Match if at the beginning of the value, case-insensitive
  • endswith: Match if at the end of the value, case-insensitive
  • regexp: Match any part of value as a regular expression. Use ^ and $ in the regexp to match the whole value.
Shorthand Format

Object Filters

Object value filters (e.g. tag and resource) can be specified in a shorter single string format.keydepends on the filter type. e.g. For a tag filter, key would be the tag name to match.

Note the double pipe (||) between key and option.


If option is omitted, the default compare option (equals) will be used.


Object Filter Examples

tag: [
resource: [

String Filters

String value filters (e.g region, id, type, etc) can set a specific [string match mode](######Options for string compare) with the following format.


If option is omitted, the default compare option (equals) will be used.


String Filter Examples

region: [
General Filter Examples

Match all ec2 in ap-southeast-2 unless the tag Schedule is set to ignore.

  - type: ec2
  - region: 'ap-southeast-2'
  - not:
      tag: 'Schedule|ignore'

Match any resource with tag Schedule or tag. Note contains just checking for an empty string which is always true so the validation is just if the tag exists.

   tag: ['Schedule||contains|', 'Powercycle||contains|'

Match EC2s in certain accounts or match RDSs in any US or EU region

    - and:
        - type: ec2
        - accountId: ["123456789012", "987654321021"]
    - and:
        - type: rdsInstance
        - region: ['startswith|us-', 'startswith|eu-']

Comparing shorthand and long form

The following filters are identical.

Shorthand form

  - type: ['ec2', 'rds']
  - tag: 'CostCenter||contains|things'
  - accountId: ['111111111111', '222222222222']

Object form

    - or:
        - type: 'ec2'
        - type: 'rds'
    - tag:
        name: 'CostCenter'
        contains: 'things'
    - or:
      - accountId: '111111111111'
      - accountId: '222222222222'

JMESPath is a JSON path query language. It's used in revolver to query against detailed resource properties for filtering using the resource filter.

To build out a JMESPath, enable the resourceLog.json configuration [in the configuration](####Config file) and run revolver with the drivers on pretend (to avoid state changes). This will generate a JSON of all resources. Use this json with jmespathTester.cjs to try out different JMESPath queries against your resources.

The tester script will print out each resource ID and the value that JMESPath returned for that resource. This can be used to determine both the path needed for your filter as well as what the value or regexp shoud be. e.g.

node jmespathTester.cjs resources.json "Placement.AvailabilityZone"


  • JMESPath uses single quotes for strings
  • numbers, booleans and strings can be outputted
Example configuration
       active: true
         - parser: strict
           availabilityTag: Schedule
           availabilityTagPriority: 5
             - name: default tagged schedule
                 - tag: ["CostCentre||value|1234", "CostCentre|4567"]
                 - type: ec2
                 - resource: "Placement.AvailabilityZone||contains|ap-southeast"
               schedule: 24x7
               priority: 1
             - name: no large instances
                   - resource:
                       path: "InstanceType"
                       regexp: "\\.\\d{0,2}x?large"
                   - resource:
                       path: "InstanceType"
                       regexp: "\\.metal\\-\\d{1,2}xl"
               schedule: "0x7"
               priority: 20
             - name: within australia
                   path: "Placement.AvailabilityZone | contains(@, 'ap-southeast')"
                   value: true
               schedule: 24x5
               priority: 10


AWS Powercycle Facility







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  • TypeScript 98.3%
  • JavaScript 1.7%