updated sildisco for SSP 2
released this
18 Jul 15:10
Re-enabled sildisco for IdP discovery.
Fixed SP name display on sildisco IdP selection page.
Use entityDisplayName
Twig filter for displaying the IdP and SP names.
Updated test metadata to include entityid
in every entry, and make name
an array.
Patch the standard SP AuthSource to modify behavior when multiple IdPs are available for an SP.
When more than one IdP is available, always present the discovery page. Standard behavior is to proceed using an existing IdP session if possible.
When re-authentication is required, always present the discovery page. Standard behavior is to let the user choose whether to cancel or continue.
Removed source files copied from SimpleSAMLphp that are no longer used.
Removed leftover dictionary files from pre-SSP2
Removed actions-services.yml
Removed patch from
Removed "beta test" feature. We do not use this in staging or production.
Fixed the SingleLogoutService on the test IdPs to use the standard saml2-logout.php since it no longer needs to be customized.
Added use statements to import classes
Removed unnecessary use statements
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