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Classifying the Stanford Car dataset using ResNet 50


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Classifying the Stanford Cars Dataset

This repository runs hyperparameter optimization on tuning pretrained models from the PyTorch model zoo to classify images of cars in the Stanford Cars dataset. This repository offers the option to tune only the fully connected layer of the pretrained network or fine tune the whole network. The pretrained models supported are Resnet 18 and ResNet 50 are trained on ImageNet-1000.

Getting Started

Clone repository

git clone

mkdir -p stanford-car-classification/data

Download data

The Stanford Cars dataset can be found here.

The dataset includes:

  • images of cars (cars_ims.tgz)
  • labels (cars_annos.mat)
  • devkit including human readable labels (cars_meta.mat)

wget -P stanford-car-classification/data

wget -P stanford-car-classification/data

wget -P stanford-car-classification/data

or using CURL:

curl -o stanford-car-classification/data/car_ims.tgz

curl -o stanford-car-classification/data/cars_annos.mat

curl -o stanford-car-classification/data/car_devkit.tgz

Unzip folders:

tar -C stanford-car-classification/data -xzvf stanford-car-classification/data/car_ims.tgz
tar -C stanford-car-classification/data -xzvf stanford-car-classification/data/car_devkit.tgz

Only keeping the meta file in the devkit:

mv ./stanford-car-classification/data/devkit/cars_meta.mat ./stanford-car-classification/data
rm -r ./stanford-car-classification/data/devkit

Virtual environment set up

Creating a new virtualenv

Installing pip3


brew install python3


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip

Installing virtualenv

pip3 install virtualenv

Set up new virtualenv

python3 -m virtualenv [PATH TO VIRUALENV]


python3 -m virtualenv ./stanford-car-classification-venv

Installing requirements in virtualenvironment

Use the stanford_cars_venv_requirements.txt file in this repository to install requirements to your virtualenvironment.

source [PATH TO VIRTUALENV]/bin/activate (ex: ./stanford-car-classification-venv/bin/activate)

pip3 install -r stanford_cars_venv_requirements.txt

Tuning Pre-trained ResNet Models

CommandLine Interface

python --path_images <path to parent directory of car_ims folder>
--path_data <path to cars_meta.mat> 
--path_labels <path to cars_annos.meta>
[--path_model_checkpoint <path to model checkpointing directory, default: No checkpointing>] 
[--checkpoint_frequency <frequency to generate PyTorch checkpoint files>, default: No checkpointing]
--model {ResNet18 | ResNet50}
--epochs <number of epochs to train model>
--validation_frequency <frequency to run validation during training> 
--number_of_classes <number of labels in data set>
--data_subset <subset of data to be used [0, 1.0]> 
--learning_rate_scheduler <learning rate annealing factor (new learning rate = leanring rate * learning rate scheduler)>
--batch_size <batch size (will be applied as a factor of 2, ex: batch size = 2, 2^2 =4)>
--weight_decay <weight decay (log base e value expected)>
--momentum <momentum value>
--learning_rate <learning rate value (log base e value expected)>
--scheduler_rate <patience used to apply learning rate scheduler>
{--nesterov | --no-nesterov} {--freeze_weights | --no-freeze_weights}

To include Nesterov in the learning: --nesterov must be included

To not include Nesterov: --no-nesterov must be included

To train the fully connected layer: --freeze_weights must be included

To fine tune the whole network: --no-freeze_weights must be included

The data_subset option is used to specify the fraction of the Stanford Cars dataset to use (data_subset = 0.5 means 50% of the data is used). A 20% validation split is applied to the data used.

Logs will be outputted to the working directory.

An output directory with the format <time since epoch in seconds>_model will be created under the current working directory. Checkpoints will be stored under <time since epoch in seconds>_model/model_checkpoints.

Tuning the Fully Connected Layer Only


source ./stanford-car-classification-venv/bin/activate
python --path_images ./stanford-car-classification/data/ --path_data ./stanford-car-classification/data/cars_annos.mat --path_labels ./stanford-car-classification/data/cars_meta.mat --path_model_checkpoint ./stanford-car-classification --checkpoint_frequency 10 --model ResNet18 --epochs 35 --validation_frequency 10  --number_of_classes 196 --data_subset 1.0 --learning_rate_scheduler 0.2 --batch_size 6 --weight_decay -3 --momentum 0.9 --learning_rate -1 --scheduler_rate 5 --nesterov --freeze_weights

The above example tunes the fully connected layer of a pretrained ResNet18 with the specified SGD parameters including Nesterov.

Fine Tuning the Network

source ./stanford-car-classification-venv/bin/activate
python --path_images ./stanford-car-classification/data/ --path_data ./stanford-car-classification/data/cars_annos.mat --path_labels ./stanford-car-classification/data/cars_meta.mat --path_model_checkpoint ./stanford-car-classification --checkpoint_frequency 10 --model ResNet50 --epochs 35 --validation_frequency 10  --number_of_classes 196 --data_subset 1.0 --learning_rate_scheduler 0.2 --batch_size 6 --weight_decay -3 --momentum 0.9 --learning_rate -3 --scheduler_rate 5 --no-nesterov --no-freeze_weights

The above example fine tunes the whole ResNet50 architecture with the specified SGD parameters and no Nesterov.

Hyperparameter Optimization for Tuning Pre-trained ResNet Models

The Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) conducted is a layer on top of the model tuning as explicated above.


The HPO uses SigOpt's Multitask feature as the optimizer as well as Orchestrate to manage AWS clusters. In order to be able to run the optimization, please set up your SigOpt account and walk through the Orchestrate tutorial. At the end of the tutorial, you should have an Orchestrate specific virtualenvironment which we will use later.

CommandLine Interface

--path_images <path to parent directory of car_ims folder>
--path_data <path to cars_meta.mat> 
--path_labels <path to cars_annos.meta>
[--path_model_checkpoint <path to model checkpointing directory, default: No check-pointing>] 
[--checkpoint_frequency <frequency to generate PyTorch checkpoint files>, default: No check-pointing]
--model {ResNet18 | ResNet50}
--epochs <number of epochs to train model>
--validation_frequency <frequency to run validation during training> 
--number_of_classes <number of labels in data set>
--data_subset <subset of data to be used [0, 1.0]>
 {--freeze_weights | --no-freeze_weights}

To run HPO on tuning the fully connected layer: --freeze_weights must be included

To run HPO on fine tuning the whole network: --no-freeze_weights must be included

The data_subset option is used to specify the fraction of the Stanford Cars dataset to use (data_subset = 0.5 means 50% of the data is used). A 20% validation split is applied to the data used.

Logs will be outputted to the working directory. We suggest to not checkpoint during hyperparameter optimization.

SigOpt suggests values for the following hyperparameters:

  • batch size
  • learning rate
  • learning rate scheduler
  • scheduler rate
  • weight decay
  • momentum
  • nesterov

The bounds of these hyperparameters are specified in the Orchestrate experiment configuration file orchestrate_stanford_cars_tuning_config.yml.


source ./stanford-car-classification-venv/bin/activate
python --path_images ./stanford-car-classification/data/ --path_data ./stanford-car-classification/data/cars_annos.mat --path_labels ./stanford-car-classification/data/cars_meta.mat --model ResNet18 --epochs 2 --validation_frequency 10 --data_subset 1.0  --number_of_classes 196 --no-freeze_weights

Cluster Configuration

As seen in the Orchestrate tutorial, a cluster configuration file is necessary to deploy a cluster. The following snippet is an example cluster configuration orchestrate_cluster_deploy_sample.yml that deploys 2 p2.xlarge EC2 instances on AWS.

# must be a .yml file
# AWS is currently our only supported provider for cluster create
provider: aws

# We have provided a name that is short and descriptive
cluster_name: stanford-cars-run-gpu-cluster

# Your cluster config can have CPU nodes, GPU nodes, or both.
# The configuration of your nodes is defined in the sections below.

# Define GPU compute here
#   # AWS GPU-enabled instance type
#   # This can be any p* instance type
  instance_type: p2.xlarge
  max_nodes: 2
  min_nodes: 2

To see more options for AWS EC2 instances please read through AWS's EC2 specification and pricing.

Orchestrate Experiment Configuration

The configuration file used to run SigOpt optimization using Orchestrate is in the repository as orchestrate_stanford_cars_tuning_config.yml.

Please note how the bounds for the hyperparameters are specified as well as the framework to be used and language.

To Run The Hyperparameter Optimization

source ./<ORCHESTRATE VENV>/bin/activate

sigopt cluster create -f cluster_deploy.yml

sigopt run -f orchestrate_stanford_cars_tuning_config.yml

To follow the progression of your job, look at the SigOpt dashboard or the following commands:

Status of all jobs in Orchestrate:

sigopt status-all

Status of a single job:

sigopt status <job id>

Status of a pod in the cluster:

sigopt kubectl logs <pod name> -n orchestrate


Classifying the Stanford Car dataset using ResNet 50



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