Rackspace Garbage Collector:
A library and a tool for removing Rackspace Files in an more efficient manner.
- About
Rackspace Garbage Collector is a python library and a tool that helps the user to remove unused / useless files stored in Rackspace.
To use as a command line program, just run
user=johndoe key=12345abcd rgc --rule1 param1 --rule2 param2
where the rules are checks applied to each file to determine if it should be deleted or not. For example, --days 30
will remove all files older than 30 days. If more than one rule is given, they are AND'd together, i.e. a file will be removed if, and only if, it meets all conditions.
To use as a library, your python code must call collect
passing your username, apikey and a rule:
import rgc.collect
from rgc.rules import olderthan
rgc.collect('john', '12345abcd', olderthan(30))
You can create your own rules by decorating functions with the rule
decorator. These functions should receive the cloudfile object as first argument along with other relevant parameters.
import rgc.collect
from rgc.rules import rule
def public(obj, ispublic):
return obj.container.is_public() == is_public
# will delete all files whose container is public (if that's useful somehow...)
rgc.collect('john', '12345abcd', public(True))
Rules can be combined using & (and), | (or), ^ (xor) and ~ (not).
import rgc.collect
from rgc.rules import olderthan, namehassuffix, namehasprefix
is_useless_xls = olderthan(30) #older than 30 days
is_useless_xls &= namehassuffix('.xls') #is a spreadsheet file
is_useless_xls &= (~namehasprefix('IMPORTANT')) #but is not important
# will delete all 'useless' xls files:
rgc.collect('john', '12345abcd', is_useless_xls)
- Authors, Copyright and License
rgc is Copyright 2013 Sieve Tecnologia. rgc was written by:
rgc is licensed under 3-BSD. See LICENSE.txt for more details.