Welcome to the home page of the First steps with Linux / UNIX and the Bash shell SIB course.
The only technical requirement for the course is having a laptop with a
reasonably recent version of either a bash
shell (version >= 4.0
), or a
shell (the default shell on Mac OS since 2019).
You can display your version of bash
with the command bash --version
- Please read the environment setup instructions for details.
- Make sure to setup your environment before the start of the course.
With the constant evolution of technologies, life scientists such as laboratory biologists are faced with an increasing need for bioinformatics skills to deal with high-throughput data storage, retrieval and analysis.
Although several resources developed for such tasks have a graphical user interface, many operations can be more efficiently handled with command-line programs and utilities.
This course is an introduction to using computers in command line via a terminal, and more specifically the Bash shell as well as some of the core Linux / UNIX commands.
This course is addressed to beginners wanting to become familiar with the Linux / UNIX environment, its basic commands, and the Bash shell.
At the end of the course you should:
- Be able to execute most of the basic Linux / UNIX commands.
- Be able to build complex and combined commands using various parameters
- Be sufficiently skilled for further courses requiring basics of Linux / UNIX, like HPC or NGS courses.
An optional exam can be taken at the end of the course to get a recommendation for 0.25 ECTS credits.
This is a course for beginners, no background in Linux / UNIX or any programming language is required.
A laptop with a command line terminal and a relatively recent version of
Bash (>= 4.0