Notes related to Go development on ODROID-XU4
This git primarilly provides a repository of notes regarding the use of an ODROID-XU4 as a Go (golang) development server. It contains detailed step-by-step instructions for software installation. If possible, related files are also included.
The goal is to install Ubuntu LTS 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) on a ODROID-XU4 with a basic development environment supporting c/c++, C# for Mono and Go (golang) inclusive LiteIdeX. Part of the full environment is a MySQL server. The modular structure of the notes allows to leave parts not necessarilly needed. The system is designed for 32 GB or more eMMC and optionally requires a 32 GB microSDHC flash card.
ODROID-XU4 (recommended with cover)
- Monitor with HDMI port for setup
- Ethernet connection to a LAN Router
A PC with a micoSDHC card reader and an Ethernet connection to the LAN for fast access the ODROID using ssh.
A PC with Windows 8.1 or higher
- Putty (for ssh connection and file transfer)
- VcXsrv (X server, faster than PuTTYs XLaunch)
- Win32DiskImager
or PC with Linux
- details to be specified
or Macintosh with OS/X
- details to be specified