To run the model:
2)Install dependencies using
3)In models/research/object_detection/
i)Create a folder named output_video
ii)Copy and paste the test_video folder from the gun_detection_tensorflow repository
iii)Copy and paste the gun_detection.ipynb from the gun_detection_tensorflow repository
iv)copy the paste the ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config file from the gun_detection_tensorflow repository
v)copy and paste gun_graphxxxxx directories from the gun_detection_tensorflow repository/(gun_graph17230 ,gun_graph16454etc)
4)In models/research/object_detection/training
i)Copy and paste ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config file from the gun_detection_tensorflow repository
5)Running the model
In models/research/object_detection/ run jupyter notebook in terminal
- then in jupyter notebook open gun_detection.ipynb
- Run
- Press Q to exit to close the running video.
** to change between models,use step 3)v and remember to change accordingly in gun_detection.ipynb file
** to change the test video copy the new video to test_video as in 3)ii and also change the video name v1.mp4 accordingly in gun_detection.ipynb
** what one requires to run the model are config file,frozen graphs(the saved models in gun_graphxxxxx folders) and the test video.